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I did not have any symptoms for the first fourth months of pregnancy.  I still had my normal menstrual cycle, no morning sickness or fatigue. I thought that the true way to determine if you are pregnant is no period. Why I am hearing so many women say that they had regular periods and were in FACT PREGNANT. How is that possible.

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Q: Does every pregnant women get pregnancy symptoms or are there women that just dont experience any?
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Yes. Every pregnancy and every person is different.

Can you have a few symptoms or will you have all symptoms of pregnancy?

Every woman is different. So are her experiences of pregnancy. Not every woman has the same symptoms or even the same symptoms from one pregnancy to the next. A pregnant woman could have all symptoms, or maybe have only one or two.

Can you have pregnancy symptons and not be pregnant?

i have three times noticed that i have all symptoms of pregnancy .every time my periods delay for 15 days and above .but i was not pregnant

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m I pregnant?" is probably the most common health question women ask. It can be confusing, as every pregnancy is different -- meaning, you may not have the same symptoms from one pregnancy to another. For example, during one pregnancy, you may experience incredible breast pain or nausea and vomiting, while during another pregnancy, you might not experience these symptoms at all. That said, there are some common signs and symptoms that may indicate pregnancy.estore..he

Is something wrong if you don't feel all the symptoms of being pregnant?

Every woman (and every pregnancy) is unique. Some experience some of the symptoms very strongly, while others don't experience them at all. I do know that the lack of morning sickness in the first trimester is associated with a higher rate of miscarriage, but that is not to say that if you don't get sick that you will miscarry. Try not to worry, and enjoy your pregnancy!

How early can you be nauseated if you might be pregnant?

Generally around 4-6 weeks pregnant. However, just like every woman is different, every woman also experiences different pregnancy symptoms. Some women will experience nausea very early in pregnancy, others not until the end and others not at all.

Can you be pregnant and not experience being tired in your first trimester?

Yes, everyone is different. Some people never experience any pregnancy symptoms, while others have every sypmtom known to man. Not being tired is completely normal.

How fast can you get symptoms of pregnancy?

Its different in every woman. Some women experience pregnancy symptoms a few days after conception but usually its when the embryo has implanted and starts releasing HCG.

Do all women experience tender or swollen breasts during pregnancy?

Not all women do, but a lot do. Pregnancy is different for every woman, and so the symptoms that they experience are also different.

Do pregnant women have pregnancy symptoms during the first week of being pregnant?

Yes you do, not with every woman though I am 15 and just found out I am pregnant and I'm only 3weeks 1 day and I just started having symptoms but yes it can start at any point in your pregnancy.

How dark does gets the breast while you're pregnant?

Sometimes your nipples will get darker during pregnancy. This is caused by hormones. Your nipples will go back to their original color once the baby is born.

Which pregnancy symptoms are confused with other symptoms?

Every woman is different. So are her experiences of pregnancy. Not every woman has the same symptoms or even the same symptoms from one pregnancy to the next.