I just tried it for the first time last night. I didn't rub it in, as I read not to. It definitely looks like it helped a bit. I am going to try it again tonight too. I've heard it clogs pores, so I am not going to do it every night. I am also using it for spots only, not my entire face. Hope this helps.
Yes, zinc can help acne. But please remember that there a numerous causes of acne, and zinc only helps in one case.
Cigarettes do not help acne.
yes it can help with acne
I am not really sure if this effective for acne and acne scars.
Sometimes they help acne, but they can also make it worse
Yes,oil causes acne.and I'm not sure it will help with acne scars but if you pop a pimple,you will end up with an acne scar.
Light treatment can improve the conditions of acne
Olives and eggs help my acne and the look of my skin.
Yes, of course you can swim if you have acne. Its especially good to swim in the sea for doing so will also help reduce your acne due to the salt in the water as is getting plenty of sun to help rid acne.
Zinc Oxide
The best vitamins to help acne are vitamins A, B and D. Drinking enough water also helps acne and your complexion. Moderate sun also replenishes the skin and helps fight against acne.
Depends on the extent of your acne. If it is only mild acne then yes it will work and it will give you a nice glow, but if you have severe acne you may have to consult a doctor.