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All plants (including corn) contain sugar (usually glucose and fructose) to a certain extent. It is their method of storing energy for later use after producing it from photosynthesis.

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Q: Does corn contains sugar
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Related questions

How are refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup different?

High fructose corn syrup contains more fructose than refined sugar.

Does corn syrup poison humans?

No. Corn syrup is not toxic. Corn syrup essentially contains sugar, so consuming too much can cause health problems, but this is true of sugar regardless of whether it comes from corn syrup or not.

Does corn bread contain starch?

Yes! corn bread does contain starch becaus the corn (kernel ) which makes the corn bread contains starch.

What has more sugar fruit punch or pepsi?

pepsi because it contains high fructose corn syrup.

What are sugar yielding crops?

Sugar cane and sugar beets. And corn.

What contains more real corn candy corn or a kernel of corn?

A kernel of corn. Candy corn contains corn syrup which is not real corn, but a product manufactured from corn starch.

Can you substitute powder sugar instead of granular in blueberry muffins?

That's not a good idea. Powdered sugar often contains corn starch which will affect the consistency of the muffin batter.

What are the molecules in corn syrup?

Regular No-Name Corn-syrup contains Glucose,Glucose-fructose,Water,Blackstrap Molasses,Salt. But no corn by products.

Does molasses contain corn?

Pure molasses does not contain corn syrup. Molasses is a by-product of refining sugar beets or sugarcane into sugar. Corn syrup is made from corn.

What is corn syrup compromised of?

sugar and corn

Does corn have high sodium or high sugar?

Corn naturally has very low sodium content and moderate sugar content. However, some processed corn products such as corn chips or canned corn may contain added salt or sugar depending on the manufacturer.

Why did Coca Cola change from cane sugar to corn sugar?

Corn is highly subsidized by the government making Corn Syrup cheaper.