It's best to consult with the manufacturer of the SCRAMx monitoring unit or your healthcare provider to determine if cold medicine can affect the device's accuracy. Cold medicine containing alcohol may potentially impact the readings of the SCRAMx unit.
That drug is probably paracetamol. It is safe in pregnancy.
it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy
This is a medicine for cold
Yes you can take cold medicine.
No cold sores shouldn't affect your pregnancy or the birth of the baby. Just be care full and don't kiss your baby if or while you have a cold sore. It's safer to kiss them when you don't have any signs of a cold sore.
No. Hot water is a bigger factor when you are pregnant. You will want to avoid hot tubs, hot baths and hot showers.
is dolo-cold safe during pregnancy (3 months pregnancy)
Their is a coralation between the two but nothing has proven it true. Even so it is probably not that drastic.
yes it bad to drink cold water while taking medicine
The cold medicine is an antihistamine so you are taking double the amount of antihistamine.
Yes & No, because cold symptoms can be a part of pregnancy. The same way as morning sickness can be.