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The vomit may contain hair, but not necessarily balls of it.

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Q: Does cat vomit have fur balls?
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Related questions

Does vomit stain a cat's fur?

Yes, bile acids can leave a stain/ lighten the fur if the cat is not cleaned off just as tears can stain a light coloured dogs fur around the eyes.

What are the release dates for Eek the Cat - 1992 Great Balls of Fur 1-9?

Eek the Cat - 1992 Great Balls of Fur 1-9 was released on: USA: 7 November 1992

What cat toy is the best?

My cats like the fake fur mice, and the sparkly round balls

Are spaniels prone to fur balls?

just about all pets are prone to fur balls

Do cat vomit before they give birth?

sometimes, if you feed your cat before it gives birth it will most likely vomit.

Can you put hair spray on your cat?

Depened, if its a long furred cat just put it on the fur NOT THE SKIN it will cause itcheyness irratend and swelling and its worse when it comes to short haired cats, it will make them want to vomit and could be fatul.

How do you treat a dog with fur balls?

How do you know it has "fur balls"? If the vet diagnosed it, they would have told you what the remedy is.

Why does your cat vomit every time he eats?

Cat vomiting after eating could indicate several health issues such as hairballs, overeating, food intolerance, or underlying medical conditions like gastrointestinal inflammation or parasites. It is advised to consult with a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

The cat licked its' fur or the cat licked it's fur?

Actually, this should be "The cat licked its fur". "It's" is a shortened version of "it is", so would not work correctly in this sentence. "Its" is usually used when something belongs to something else, like the fur belongs to the cat.

Will cat food make hens vomit?

Chickens cannot vomit - however, if you give a chicken too much cat food, it will make them sick.

What is a body covering of a cat?

Fur covers the cat.

What causes an indoor cat to vomit mucous?

If it is clear foam it is due to hairballs that the cat is trying to vomit out, you will need to give the cat a laxative or lactulose to help. These products can be purchased only from the veterinarian.