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Q: Does burning mouth syndrome only affect one side of mouth?
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No. Asperger's syndrome affects people of all races.

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No. Aspergers syndrome and autism and stuff like that can only affect humans.

What syndromes cause a baby's tongue to hang out of its mouth?

Well there only could be one answer, Down syndrome.

Do cats have Asperger's Syndrome?

no Aspergers is a human disorder which is impossible for any animal to have.

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ummm only the hot kind hints the burning sensation of the nation

Is Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome genetic?

WAS is inherited as an X-linked genetic disorder and will therefore only affect males.

Stop lungs from burning while running?

Breath out your nose. I just got done running and i started breathing with my nose only and it wasn't painful. Then i opened my mouth and now i cant stop coughing and its burning and very scratchy. So closeee you're mouth

What demographic group can get Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome?

WAS is inherited as an X-linked genetic disorder and will therefore only affect males.

What symptoms would a baby have if it has down syndrome?

i would like to answer this as per my knowledge and the only thing that i remember is the person having downs syndrome the eyes will be similar to that of mongol es and there forehead will be large

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The only genotype to cause Klinefelter's syndrome is XXY.

Why is Down syndrome physical?

Down syndrome is a genetic condition that not only affects the brain but also affects physical appearance because of the genes affected by the disease. Sorry I don't know how exactly the genes are distorted. But they affect physical appearence.

Does the cent affect the candles rate of burning?

No, the cent does not affect the rate at which a candle burns. The rate of burning is determined by the candle's size, composition, wick thickness, and surrounding environment. The presence of a cent near the candle would not have any impact on this process.