

Does blood bleed

Updated: 11/13/2022
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12y ago

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Lol .. Wat do u mean? Its like saying does fish fish itself! Lol

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Q: Does blood bleed
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Which is right bleed to death or blood to death?

bleed to death

What happened to blood?

it bleed

What is bleed?

"Bleed out" means to lose a large amount of blood quickly.

What is bleed out?

"Bleed out" means to lose a large amount of blood quickly.

Can your right side organs bleed?

Any organ with a blood supply can bleed.

Why do pit bulls bleed?

Anything that has blood can bleed. If the parts (skin, arteries, veins, etc.) that hold the blood in the body are cut then the blood escapes out (bleeds).

What do you mean to have lost blood?


Can you bleed black blood by a cut?

The redder that blood appears signifies the oxygenation of the blood. Black blood signifies a lack of oxygen in the blood.

What does bleed means?

To "bleed" means to lose blood through an injured blood vessel, or to let or draw blood from.

Do pro wrestlers really bleed?

.Yes they really bleed and NO they do not use fake blood!!

How can you bleed easily?

Ibuprofen, tylenol, and other blood thinners can cause you to bleed easier.

Why would a ducks nose bleed?

A Ducks Nose Will Bleed because, every animal has blood.