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Q: Does bile starts the process of protein digestion in the stomach?
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Where does the protein digestion start?

the digestion of proteins begin in the stomach.

Protein digestion starts where?

In the stomach.

What organ digests?

Stomach and small intestine Protein digestion starts in the stomach, then the small intestine completely digests it.

Where does the digestion occur in the body?

It starts in your mouth and ends in your large intestine.

Where in digestive system protein is absorbed?

Absorbtion of proteins occurs in the small intestine. Digestion starts in the stomach.

Is protein digestion completed in the stomach?

It starts in your mouth then moves down in your stomach work is done in your stomach it moves to your intestine and is completed in your intestine

Digestion does not begain until food enters the stomach?

That would be incorrect. Digestion begins in the mouth, when the saliva starts to break up carbohydrates and the teeth start grinding up the food. However, protein digestion does begin in the stomach.

Does digestion begin in your stomach?

Correctly, physical digestion begins in the mouth, when foodstuffs are pulverised and mashed up into small pieces, and coated with saliva, to make swallowing easier and to increase it's surface area. This process is completed in the stomach, where food is liquified by strong hydrochloric acid secreted by the gastric glands to make it easy to assimilate. All these processes are classed as physical digestion, but not actual ABSORPTION- this takes place in the small intestines. The only substance absorbed by the stomach is alcohol.

Where does most digestion happen and why?

Digestion starts in the mouth by chewing but most of the digestion is in the stomach where digestive juices are located.

What enzyme completes the digestion of proteins?

Trypsin completes the digestion of proteins. Pepsin in the stomach starts the digestion of proteins.

Where does digestion of food first start?

Chemical digestion begins in the mouth, when our salivary amylase breaks down starch(on a-plus) the STOMACH begins digestion of protein by emulsifying food.i promise you its the right answer.

Where the digestion of the proteins begins?

Chemical digestion of proteins begin in the stomach.In the stomach.The digestion of proteins begin at the stomach.The stomach. There are recesses in the wall of the stomach called pits. These pits produces pepsinogen and HCl as well are protective mucous. Pepsinogen is the zymogen (inactive form) of pepsin the enxyme which breaks down protein. It is cleaved form the zymogen form into the active form in very low pH situations, this is why HCl is secreted here.MouthChemical digestion of protein starts in the stomach.It would begin in the stomach. It would occur by the action of an enzyme called pepsin.In the stomach