Signs that your child may be lactose intolerant include stomach pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and nausea after consuming dairy products. Other symptoms may include vomiting, fatigue, and skin rashes. If you suspect your child is lactose intolerant, consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and management.
It shouldn't, but too much milk can give them stomach upsets and can cause diarrhoea. Most cats are lactose intolerant, so cow's milk should be avoided. Speciality formulated cat milk can be found in most stores, and because they are free of lactose, are perfectly safe for a cat to drink.
You have your infant checked for a condition known as 'Lactose Intolerant; You are describing a symptom of lactose intolerance. Cheeses (or any other standard dairy product) would produce the same results if this is the case. A lot of people are intolerant of lactose, casein and casomorphins found in milk.
Lactose intolerance leads to bloating, cramps and loose stools. Milk protein allergy has much broader reactions such as skin, respiratory, gastrointestinal [constipation or loose stools, colic, etc] as well as symptoms similar to lactose intolerance. Go to milk allergy on wiki for more details.
No- but being out in the sun with unprotected skin can. Get out the sunblock.
Ozone destroyed can cause skin cancer. It can cause eye cataract too.
The radiation in the atomic bomb can cause all types of cancers. Skin cancer proboly being the most prevalent.
ye they are being by hunters who are after their skin and it should be stopped
The ozone depletion could cause skin cancer. It could also cause eye cataract.
Pale skin (inability to tan) frequent stomachaches in lower abdomen trouble going to the bathroom
mercury can cause skin discoloration, but has sometimes been used on purpose in skin bleaching products and cosmetics, but is not used very often anymore due to faces being disfigured by make-up products containing mercury
Shigellosis can cause skin rash.