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Bacteria usually lack capsid. However, certain bacteria have capsid-like proteins which can be the cause of certain infections. Almost all viruses contain this protein and can cause diseases as it protect the virus inner DNA/RNA structure,

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Q: Does bacteria causes diseases by capsid?
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What are the disadvantages of diseases causes by bacteria?

people can die

Who discovered that bacteria causes diseases?

Louis Pasteur

What bacteria causes diseases and illnesses?

A small portion, about 1%, of bacteria cause diseases. These are called pathogens or sometimes a germ.

What are some causes for diseases?

Diseases are often caused by viruses and bacteria or genetic factors.

3 examples of anaerobic bacteria that causes diseases?

Three anaerobic bacteria that causes diseases are C. perfringens, C. Tetani, and C. botulinum.

Is bacteria surrounded by a capsid made of protein?

No, bacteria is surrounded by a cell wall.

Which microorganism causes skin disease?

Skin diseases can be caused by viruses, fungi, bacteria, or parasites.

What are some causes disease?

Diseases are often caused by viruses and bacteria or genetic factors.

What are two general ways that bacteria causes diseases?

Be more specific. Bacteria can cause direct and indirect damage by various mechanisms.

How is bacteria harmful?

It causes infectious diseases... and is it a bad for the animals and the wold and the humans and entire too

What is bacteria that causes periodontitis?

There are a number of different causes of periodonitis/periodontitis, which is a general term for various inflammatory diseases of the gums. The following bacteria have been associated with the disease: * actinomyces naeslundii * campylobacter bacteria * streptococcus * anaerobes In addition to bacteria there may also be other causes of the disease.