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Autism is not caused by how the parents treat their children.

Autism is a neurological condition caused by genes. If a parent has genes for autism, the child could inherit those genes, making it possible that the child could have autism, but that will not necessarily happen. In addition, there are also spontaneous genetic mutations in some fetuses, some of which have no effect, but others of which can result in autism or other conditions.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Autism occurs in about one in every 110 children.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

I'm sorry but your question doesn't make sense

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How does autism develop?

Scientests Or Others Don't Know How It Happens, However, The Signs Of Autism Would Probably Happen BEFORE, A Child Turns 3.

What would happen if you could never overcome autism?

You would have severe troubles communicating

Is it possible for only one twin to develop autism?

Yes, it is possible. In one study, the chance that an identical twin has autism when the other does is 82%. That means that 18% of the identical twins did not have autism. It is much more likely that an identical twin will have autism if the other does than that a fraternal twin or other sibling will, but it does not happen every time.

How do you spell Autism ?


What is infantile autism?

Infantile Autism is when a baby or toddler (an Infant) has autism.

What is adult autism?

Basicly, autism is something you are born to have, not something that you could grow into. So, adult autism, means that a child with autism grows up and become an adult with autism. However, if you didn't find out that you have autism until you are an adult, then your autism must be the mild kind on the entire autism spectrum.

Is autism biological?

Biologial. Autism is neurodevelopmental. There are hereditary and genetic ties to autism.

Do jedward have autism?

No, Jedward do not have autism.

Does Macy Gray have Autism?

No, Macy Gray does not have autism, although she does shows for autism causes.

Is Autism inherited?

Autism can be inherited from parents with genes for autism. Autism can also be the result of the spontaneous mutation of a gene. It is suspected that a person with the genes for autism might need an environmental factor (in the womb or shortly after birth) to trigger the development of autism.

Does wesley singerman has autism condition?

he does have autism

Can you get autism easily?

No, autism is rare and not contagious.