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Not currently. Cirrhosis is caused by the liver turning into scar tissue, and once the scar tissue is there it won't grow back into liver tissue. I did just read about some Russian scientists who claim to be researching a drug that can turn the scar into stem cells which then grow back into liver cells, but assuming that this works it won't be available for many years unfortunately.

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yes all liver tissues generate.................

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During mitosis, liver cells undergo cell division to produce two identical daughter cells. This process allows the liver to regenerate and maintain its functionality. Liver cells replicate their DNA, distribute their chromosomes equally, and then divide to ensure the continual renewal of liver tissue.

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The liver.

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Medicine is not an exact science. However, liver tissue can regenerate, and heart muscle pretty much does not.

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The liver is the only human organ that can regenerate itself. It has the ability to regrow lost or damaged tissue.

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The liver

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I would venture to say that lungs do not regenerate. They may heal which technically is not the same process. The liver is the only organ that can regenerate.

How the liver diseases affect in the tissue?

Because the liver is just on the outside of the tissue