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Your alcohol consumption can make it harder to keep your teeth healthy. Studies link gum disease with drinking, and researchers have recently discovered that the more alcohol you drink, the more at risk your gums are. And if you already have gum disease, continued alcohol consumption can accelerate the stages of the condition.

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2y ago
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14y ago

eat the anamial of your teeth and rott them

Enamel of your teeth and Rot them.

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16y ago

yes because the sugars in the alcohol over a period of time will rot your teeth

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12y ago

i noticed i want to grind my teeth when i drink "somtimes" like when i feel a good bu going i want to grind my teeth because it feels good

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15y ago

yes alcohol does cause dental problems. the sugars and chemicals inside the alcohol cause a reaction to the teeth. that is why all alcoholics have such ugly teeth. :=)

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12y ago

If it is fizzy or a beer it will give a tooth decay.(if you drink too much)

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16y ago

no it is bad unless it is i mouth wash

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15y ago

it makes your teeth yellow

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15y ago

make you hammerd

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Q: Is beer bad for teeth
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