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Trachea> Bronchii> Bronchioles (smaller branches of bronchii) > Alveoli

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Q: Does air go to alveoli first then bronchi?
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The bronchi go directly into the alveoli.?

The bronchi branch into smaller tubes called bronchioles, which then lead to clusters of air sacs called alveoli. The alveoli are the site where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange occurs during the process of respiration.

What is the path during respiration?

During respiration, the respiratory system is involved in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the external environment. Oxygen is taken in through the nose or mouth, travels down the trachea into the lungs, and enters the bloodstream through tiny air sacs called alveoli. Carbon dioxide is then removed from the bloodstream and exhaled out of the body.

What order does air go through the respiratory system?

Trachea -> Avleoli -> Brochus -> Bronchioles

What order does alveoli lung trachea nose and bronchi go in to reach the blood?

The correct order is:nosetracheamain bronchusbronchi (two) which is part of the lungsbronchioles - tinier than the bronchialveolismall capillaries surround each alveoli and cover each alveoli's surface-- CO2 passes from the alveoli to the venous blood supply; the blood passes O2 to alveoli and into the arterial blood supply

What is the path that air takes when humans take a breathe?

In through the Nostrils into the the nasal cavity where it is heated, humidified and gains turbulance thanks to the concha. The air then moves down through nasopharynx then the laryngeopharynx, through the larynx ant into the Trachea. The trachea runs down the middle of the thorax intill it Bifrucates (splits into two) at the level of T4 to form the two Bronchi. The bronchi go left and right (one into each lung) where the too separate to borm bronioles, which keep branching out until they reach the alveoli. The alveoli are structures that look like bunches of grapes, each grape is called an air sac. As the air leaves it takes the same route in reverse. Simplified Answer: Air rich in oxygen enters the nostrils or the mouth. It then passes through the pharynx and then the larynx. Then air goes through the trachea. from there it goes to each bronchi and which branches into bronchiole. From there, it goes the air sacs or alveoli of the lungs. Notes: Mucus in the nostrils warms, moistens and cleans air so it is better to breathe through your nose!

When carbon dioxide leaves the body and enters the alveoli.The air flows back out through the what?

From nose you have air entering to pharynx. Then larynx. Then trachea. Trachea divides into two parts. These two primary bronchi divides into 10 each secondary bronchi. Then each go on dividing into two branches, at right angle to each other. This happens 17 times. Then alveoli starts and they divide 6 times. When air exits, it goes in 'reverse' direction.

Where does air go after entering the bronchi?

Air moves from the larynx into the bronchial tubes then enters the lungs and is filtered into oxygen and other components by the avioli. The oxygen goes to the blood, and the other molecules (nitrogen, argon,helium,hydrogen etc.) are breathed out.

The respiratory system consists of pharynx and what else?

The respiratory system also consists of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and lungs. These structures work together to bring in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the body.

How air enter your body?

it goes to ur nasal cavity then go to your larnx to the trachea to the bronchi and air sacs to the lungs :)

Where does incoming air flow after it passes through the laryngopharynx?

It travels down the trachea and into your bronchi that lead into your lungs. From there they enter smaller branches called bronchioles. Then the single units called alveoli put oxygen into the blood.

What structure passes air to the lungs?

Air passes through: 1. Nose or Mouth 2. Nasal cavity 3. Pharynx 4. Larynx 5. Trachea (in throat) 6. Bronchus (in chest) 7. Bronchioles (finer tubes inside lungs) into the alveoli (tiny pockets inside lungs). The o2/co2 exchange occurs in the alveoli where they interface with capillaries. Hope this helps.

What is the path of air as you inhale?

As you inhale, air enters through your nose or mouth, travels down your trachea, passes through the bronchial tubes in your lungs, and finally reaches the alveoli where oxygen is exchanged with carbon dioxide in your bloodstream.