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I'm pretty sure that when your young it CAN be higher and when you are old, It's lower. But, it does include medical help and birth problems.

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Q: Does age effect your sense of smell?
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Does your sense of smell as you get older?

Like most abilities, your sense of smell tends to get less sensitive as you age.

What effect does age have on your sensitivity to various smell?

As you age, your sense of smell can become weaker, making it harder to detect and distinguish between different odors. This decrease in sensitivity is due to changes in the olfactory system and a reduction in the number of olfactory receptors in the nose. Older adults may also experience a decline in their ability to identify and remember smells accurately.

How would you enhance your smell and what part of the brain would it effect?

The sense of smell can be enhanced by eating healthy and having regular medical check up. The sense of smell usually enhances our ability to taste. The sense of smell usually affects the primitive part of our brain.

Does drowsiness effect your sense of smell?

Drowsiness can indirectly affect your sense of smell by potentially decreasing your overall alertness and ability to focus on sensory inputs, including smells. However, drowsiness itself may not directly impair the sense of smell.

Do pitbulls have the best sense of smell?

No, Pit Bulls do not lose their sense of smell. It may decrease some with old age, but doesn't usually until 8 to 10 years of age, if at all.

Do outside odors effect the sense of taste?

Sense of taste is largely affected by the sense of smell. So outside odors will positively or negatively affect the sense of taste.

What is dependent variable in the smell effect your sense of taste?

The dependent variable in the smell effect on your sense of taste is the perception or intensity of the taste experienced by the individual. It is the outcome that is being measured or observed based on the different smells presented to the participant.

How age effect in communication?

The younger you are, the less sense you make.

What are the olfaction sense?

it refers to the sense of smell

How does age affect the sense of smell?

As people age, their sense of smell tends to decline. This is due to a number of factors, including changes in the structure and function of the olfactory system, as well as the gradual loss of olfactory receptors. Age-related smell loss can impact a person's ability to detect and identify odors.

Do crocodiles have a good sense of smell?

It has a sharp sense of touch, smell, and taste.

What are the gray wolf's strongest sense organs?

the sense of smell