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That depends on the specific plan and so the only real way to know is to call them.

Usually it will not be covered for strictly cosmetic reasons but often it will be covered for things like the relief of pain.

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Q: Does aetna cover varicose vein removal?
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Related questions

What are some options to avoid varicose vein removal?

One option to avoid varicose vein removal is to simply accept the veins and not get anything done to them. Another option is to get exercise on a regular basis.

What surgery for varicose veins has a proven track record?

When looking to remove a varicose vein it is best to always consult a doctor first. The surgery they perform is known as varicose vein removal which has a very proven track record.

Who offers varicose vein removal for a resonable price in Flower Mound, Texas?

Vientec Varicose Vein Clinic is in Dallas and Fort Worth. There's also a Dr. Ronald M. Friedman that does varicose vein treatments:

Could Laser Vein Treatment Help my Varicose Veins?

Information on varicose vein removal is available all over the internet. Your best bet, however, would be here for information:

What are varicose veins in brain?

Can you get a varicose vein on your brain

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to a dilated vein?

Varicose means pertaining to a dilated vein. The vein itself might be called a varicosity or a varicose vein.

What are the best painkillers for symptoms varicose veins?

My daughter has a very bad varicose vein on her calf. We would like to know what is the best pain relief for this whilst we seek medical advice for removal.

What is the varicose vein in the rectal area?

The hemorroidal vein.

Where I can a doctor that offers varicose vein removal in the Flower mound Texas area?

There are several doctors that offer vein removal in Flower Mound, Tx. You can check on various search engines for contact information to schedule an appointment with the nearest doctor.

What is involved in tread vein removal?

Thread Vein Removal used to be a semi invasive surgery, in which they would have to trim the vein and pull the vein out from underneath the skin's surface. Now, with new technology, all that is needed in laser surgery. A laser is pointed at the top of the skin and follows the line of the unwanted vein and the vein "disappears". Many get this type of surgery to reduce the lumpy look of varicose veins.

How can one tell if one has a varicose vein?

One can easily tell if they have a varicose vein by looking at their legs. If there are visible, dark, lumpy veins whilst standing up for a while, you have varicose veins.

What is a varicose vein in hunman body?

A varicose vein is a distended vein where the valves are unable to close properly. This can lead to thromboses, which are blood clots and can make the veins hard, bumpy, and painful.