aerobic you are using oxygen. and anaerobic you are not.
Aerobic biology processes require oxygen to produce energy, while anaerobic biology processes do not require oxygen. Aerobic processes are more efficient and produce more energy, while anaerobic processes produce energy more quickly but less efficiently.
Organisms that are anaerobic do not require oxygen to generate energy, while aerobic organisms do. Anaerobic organisms can generate energy through processes like fermentation, which is less efficient than aerobic respiration. Aerobic organisms can produce more energy because aerobic respiration is a more efficient process that requires oxygen.
Anaerobic reactions do not require oxygen and produce energy through processes like fermentation, yielding lower amounts of energy compared to aerobic reactions. Aerobic reactions, on the other hand, require oxygen and involve the complete breakdown of glucose to produce more energy in the form of ATP.
The types of cellular respiration are aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen and produces more ATP, while anaerobic respiration does not use oxygen and produces less ATP.
Aerobic respiration requires oxygen to produce energy in the form of ATP, while anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen and produces energy through fermentation. Aerobic respiration is more efficient, producing more ATP molecules than anaerobic respiration.
the 400m is an almost entirely anaerobic race if run competitively. This is because the body cannot adequately supply energy through the oxidative system alone. Thus the body reverts to the ATP-PcR and fast glycogen systems to produce energy more rapidly. Both of these processes produce usable energy without oxygen, thus they are anaerobic.
The aerobic pathway produces more energy than the anaerobic pathway. Aerobic respiration generates a much higher yield of ATP molecules from glucose compared to anaerobic fermentation. Anaerobic metabolism is a less efficient process that produces ATP without the use of oxygen.
Aerobic respiration produces more ATP molecules per glucose molecule compared to anaerobic respiration, providing more energy for the cell. Additionally, aerobic respiration does not produce lactic acid or ethanol as byproducts, reducing the risk of harmful acidic conditions in the cell.
aerobic respiration uses oxygen and anaerobic doesn't; also aerobic produces more ATP or cellular energy***Apex: Oxygen is necessary for aerobic respiration but not for anaerobic respiration.
Aerobic respiration requires oxygen to produce energy, while anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen. Aerobic respiration yields more energy (ATP) compared to anaerobic respiration, but anaerobic respiration is less efficient and produces lactic acid or ethanol as byproducts.
Aerobic metabolism produces more ATP (energy) per molecule of glucose compared to anaerobic metabolism, making it more efficient for supplying energy to cells. Aerobic metabolism also generates less lactic acid, reducing the risk of muscle fatigue and allowing for longer sustained activity. Additionally, aerobic metabolism allows for the utilization of a wider range of substrates for energy production compared to anaerobic metabolism.