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Yes, the phlegm is the body's response to counter-attack the acid which is hurting the chest and throat.

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11y ago

Spitting out phlegm is not due to acid reflux but from chest or throat infection

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Q: Does acid reflux cause one to spit up phlem?
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What kind of sickness can a dog get when spitting a lot?

Acid reflux can cause a dog spit a lot due to the refluxes

Do acid reflux makes you spit all the time?

Acid reflux causes heartburn and discomfort in the esophagus. Spitting up could happen due to excessive post nasal drip, burning throat or bile reflux.

What are some symptoms of acid reflux in babies?

Symptoms of acid reflux in babies can include frequent spit-up, coughing, irritability during or after feeding, arching of the back, and difficulty sleeping. It is always important to consult with a pediatrician if you suspect your baby is experiencing acid reflux.

Why would an adult normally spit up food after eating?


What does the AR in AR stand for?

The A.R. stands for Acid Reflux. This product is specifically designed for babies who suffer from frequent spit-up. It is true that rice starch is added to thicken the formula in the stomach and to help absorb extra acid, but it is not the basis for the A.R. in the name.

Do wasps spit acid?

No. Wasps, unlike ants, cannot spit or bite in order to use their acid.

What does the AR in enfamil AR stand for?

The A.R. stands for Acid Reflux. This product is specifically designed for babies who suffer from frequent spit-up. It is true that rice starch is added to thicken the formula in the stomach and to help absorb extra acid, but it is not the basis for the A.R. in the name.

Can walruses spit acid?


Is Llama spit acidic?

I dont thing so...

When trying death metal growls after a couple minouts your voice gets gurgly from phlem spit in your throat how can you prevent it?

i don't believe you can prevent it... just do it alot and your voice should get used to it... like mine =]

Is random urges to spit a symptom of smoking?

No; smoking does not cause urges to spit. However, the smoke taste of a cigarette may cause a person to spit more often.

Does a fly spit acid?

Flies do not spit acid. They use their specialized mouthparts to regurgitate digestive enzymes onto food, which helps break it down into a liquid form that they can then consume.