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Yes. It is safe to do root canal treatment during pregnancy. But you tend to avoid the same in first trimester of pregnancy.

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Q: Does a root canal have any affects on pregnant women?
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Can a person exercise after a root canal?

Yes you can exercise after a root canal. It will have no interfierence.

If you are trying to conceive and you have a root canal scheduled on the same day as your ovulation could it cause you not to get pregnant or to miscarry?

The X-ray will damage the egg, unless you wear a covering that protects it... LEAD covering. I know I was in Dental school. As for the root canal, no, it won't cause you to not get pregnant, but you should warn the dentist if you even suspect that you are pregnant, so they can take every precaution in not harming the embryo...

Is the Panama Canal close to the root canal?

The Panama Canal is in Panama, about 1600 miles from the southernmost border of the United States.A root canal is a dental procedure, not a canal.

Is bananas good for root canal pain?

yes bananas is good for root canal pain

What is the medical code for Root canal Anterior?

The medical code for root canal Anterior is D3310.

Can you get dry socket from a root canal?

No. By definition, a 'dry socket' is a painful condition that occurs following a tooth extraction, not a root canal. That is not to say that you cannot have pain following a root canal. You can, particularly if the tooth was acutely infected at the time of the root canal, or if the root canal is incomplete. You should consult with the dentist who performed the procedure and follow his/her recommendations.

I have a root canal but want to take out the root canal?

Im not sure of the question but sounds like the doctor already removed the inerts of the tooth and placed a filling into the root. That is what a root canal therapy is. If you want to remove the root canal filling material and replace it with a more biocompatible material there are dentist that do that.

What is the alternative to a root canal?

The only alternative to performing a root canal procedure is to extract the diseased tooth.

Does a root canal increase the chances of losing a tooth?

No . . . the root canal procedure is intended to save the tooth.

Do you get stitches when you get a root canal?


Brief about root canal implant?

A Root Canal Implant is a procedure to implant or replaces a damaged tooth with a new tooth. You can visit the Best Dental Clinic in Ludhiana and can get the best root canal imlant.

What is the Ada code for a root canal?

D3310 Root canal, anterior (excluding final restoration) D3320 Root canal, bicuspid (excluding final restoration) D3330 Root canal, molar (excluding final restoration) These include the root canal and temporary filling. You may also need: D2950 Core buildup, including any pins You also need to add the permanent crowns.