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Q: Does a person with bulimia have to worry about dehydration?
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What are the main problems associated with bulimia?

Vitamin deficiency dehydration kidney damage

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Is bulimia hereditary?

Bulimia is an eating disorder whereby a person binge eats and then makes themselves sick. Research has shown that bulimia may be hereditary.

Can dehydration kill a person?

yes dehydration can kill a person very quickly.

How is Bulimia used in a sentence?

A very thin person with an apparently healthy appetite may suffer from bulimia.

What is the percent of people that die of bulimia?

100%. Every person with untreated bulimia will eventually die from a cause directly related to the disorder.

What is an eating disorder in which a person repeatedly eats large amounts of food and then purges?

It can be bulimia, or just binge eating then purging... so it may be either.

What can you do to help a person with bulimia?

call a doctor or tell their parents.

How did you get bulimia?

Many people can develop Bulimia in different ways. Bulimia can be developed through low self- esteem or low confidence. A person may develop the disease if they have an addictive personality or if it makes them feel good about themselves

Can a healthy lifestyle stop bulimia?

Bulimia is a mental disorder, so really a person can have the healthiest life style in the world and still be bulimic. Princess Diana had quite a fantastic life style, and she suffered from bulimia for years.

Can bulimia make you cold all the time?

Bulimia itself will not make you cold. A result of bulimia, however, is the loss of body fat. Without enough fat on the body, a person is prone to becoming cold much mroe easily.

Which is more deadly anorexia or bulimia?

Both are deadly, it depends on how long a person suffers. A person with anorexia is in a state of self-starvation and will die due to the effects of starvation. A person with bulimia binges and purges, purging is deadly, people sometimes die on their first purge, others do it for years without dying. It's a gamble. Personally I would say bulimia, though I am NOT dismissing the dangers of anorexia, they both lead to death, but from my experience, bulimia is more dangerous.