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Influenza viruses can be destroyed with heat, so if sufficiently heated, the microwaved virus should be neutralized. Common cooking temperatures will be hot enough, 167-212°F (75-100°C) does the trick.

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14y ago

No it does not kill germs. Acutally it can create germs. when you dont clean it out very often germs will start 2 form.


This answer appears to be partially wrong. Results of testing at the University of Florida show that microwaving can kill microbes on sponges.

See the full article at:

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Why don't doctors prescribe antibiotics if you have the flu?

antibiotics can be powerful.

Is the flu a bacteria?

No, the flu is caused by a virus.

How is the flu virus pervasive?

The flu virus is pervasive in that it is a common virus which is spread from person to person generally in the cold months. There are several sub-categories of the flu virus, and the flu shot will usually contain 2 or three of these variations annually.

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Flu is always caused a virus, not bacteria, so no flu epidemic will be due to a bacterial agent. This is true of the 1918 "Spanish Flu", it was caused by a virus.

Is the flu caused by a bacterial or viral infection?

The flu is caused by a viral infection, specifically influenza viruses. Bacteria do not cause the flu, but they can cause secondary infections in individuals who have the flu.

Is the Swine Flu caused by a virus or a bacteria?

It is caused by a virus called A-H1N1/09 influenza virus (aka swine flu).