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Q: Does a malignant nodule have decreased vascularity?
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Related questions

What is a rare malignant lesion called in medical terms?

There is no term listed as such. It is used in part of a description of a disease or condition. For example: Kaposi's sarcoma is a rare malignant lesion. Soft purple-brown nodule, associated with AIDS, diabetes, and malignant lymphoma.

What is a gastric nodule?

The term ' nodule ' means a knot-like, small solid lump of tissue which may occur anywhere in the body, accordingly a gastric nodule is a nodule found inside the stomach. The term ' nodule ' itself does not reveal anything about the nature of the lump. The best way is to consult a general surgeon as soon as possible. Surgery may be necessary to get rid of it and further to find out whether it is malignant or benign by means of biopsy.

What does it mean if you have a white spot in your lung?

A white spot on an x-ray of the lung is also called a pulmonary nodule. A spot less than 3cm is a nodule, and larger is a mass. There are a couple reasons a pulmonary nodule would show up in the lung field. First, an infection in the lungs has left scarring, or a benign nodule in the lungs which does not need treated. Typically these types of spots will show up on the x-ray with defined borders. The other type of nodule is a malignant, or cancerous, pulmonary nodule. These need to be immediately treated for the best possible outcome. They typically show up on an x-ray with fuzzy or hard to define borders. It is recommended that if you smoke or are at risk for cancer to have annual chest x-rays done for precaution to ensure that any malignant nodule is caught before growing larger, becoming metastatic, and spreading.

Does chest x-ray show vascularity?


What is anechoic nodule in the breast area?

A simple fluid filled sac that is dark on ultrasound. It does not have any debris inside, only filled with fluid, which makes it benign.

What plants does have root nodule?

they have got a root nodule

What is a thyroid nodule?

it means: nodule-a rounded lump or knot; heterogeneous means "composed of unlike parts. Therefore a rounded lump composed of dissimilar tissues on the thyroid (gland) located in the base of throat region. may or may not require medical attention.

Who nodule is more dangerous hot nodule or cold nodule?

Only a doctor can order the tests to determine if any thyroid nodule is dangerous. A thyroid uptake scan will help your doctor determine if your thyroid is hot (active) or cold (inactive).

What is a singer's nodule?

A singer's nodule, also known as a screamer's nodule or a teacher's nodule, is a small, inflammatory or fibrous growth on the vocal cords. It typically occurs in people who constantly strain their voices.

Is hypoechoic nodule a cancer?

A hypoechoic nodule is not necessarily cancer. A biopsy is done to determine if the nodule is malignant. Bilateral or multiple nodules are more likely to be benign. If the size of the nodule is large and bothersome, it is removed with surgery.

What is a vascularity?

Plants that have lignified tissues for conducting water, minerals, and photosynthetic.

Which of the structure releases progesterone to increase the vascularity of the uterine lining?
