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Divisions of sponge-like tissue that filters blood.

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Q: Does a kidney have cells
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What are the main cells in the human kidney?

mechanism of main cells in a kidney?

How many chromosomes are in human kidney cells?

Human kidney cells are body cells, so they would have 46 chromosomes.

Is a kidney composed of cells?

no. a kidney is not composed of body cells. but liver, sperm, and a single bone are composed of body cells. :)

Kidney shaped cells that enclose stomata?

The kidney shaped cells that enclose stomata are called guard cells.

Is the kidney composed of body cells?

Yes, the kidney is composed of body cells. In fact, all of our organs and internal parts are composed of different body cells.

How does the kidney help in maintaining a normal concentration in cells?

kidney filters and maintain a normal concentration in cells toxics are wasted out as urine

How many ATP is released in kidney cells?

38 atp are released in kidney cells because malate asparatic acid works as shuttle in kidney cells which cannot use any ATP for the transportation of NADH to succinic dehydrogenase.

How many cell in human kidney?

Millions even billions cells in human kidney.

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What types of cells make up the kidneys?

The kidney has many different cellular structures. The kidney's blood supply is formed by endothelial cells, myoepithelial cells, pericytes, and smooth muscle cells. There is also connective tissue within the kidney so you will find fibroblasts. Within the hilum of the kidney you can find adipose tissue so therefore you will find adipoctes. Then you have the kidney parenchyma. Within the glomerulus you will find bowman's capsule epithelial cells, mesangial cells, and podocytes. Right outside the glomerulus there are juxtaglomerular cells adjacent to the macula densa cells within the distal convoluted tubule of the kidney.(These cells function as sensors and control kidney activity) You will also find renal tubular cells which change from the proximal convoluted tubule, descending limb of the loop of henle, ascending thin limb of the loop of henle, thick ascending limb, distal convoluted tubule and then into the medullary collecting ducts. In these ducts you have two types of cells principal cells and intercalated cells. Then as you follow the formation of urine into the minor calyx of the kidney you begin to see transitional epithelial cells. In terms of embryonic origin the ureteric bud(derived from endoderm) gives rise to the cells from the bladder up to the collecting duct system of the kidney. The rest of the kidney comes from the metanephros(a mesodermic derivative).

Where is the red blood cells graveyard?


What does it mean to have while cells show up in you urine?

White blood cells are usually not found in the urine due to the kidney. When there are white blood cells in the urine this if due to an infection. The kidney becomes inflamed and this allows the passing of white blood cells.