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Q: Does a horse shoe kidney cause bowel problems?
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How do you prevent horse shoe kidney?

Don't put kidney beans on your horse's hooves, simple as that

Are horses canivors?

No, a horse is a herbivore, they should not eat meat as it can cause digestive problems.

Is it safe for your horse to eat dandelions?

A horse can eat dandelions, but they have been linked to Stringhalt, a medical condition that can cause problems.

What Should you do if your horse has a bowel tendon?

the answer is: take the horse on short walks while the tendon heals

Is it safe to use bark on the floor of a horse stall?

Bark is never used for horse bedding. Some barks can be irritating and may cause respirtory problems. Some horses will actually eat some of their bedding and certain barks can cause digestive problems.

Do you need to use horse shampoo everyday?

No, if you use shampoo on a horse everyday it'll cause the horses skin to dry out and cause skin problems. It's best to shamppo a horse once every other week and just rinse the horse with water inbetween bathings.

Are old splints bad for a horse?

Not really, so long as they healed and fused they shouldn't cause any problems.

Will prolonged standing in mud cause a horse to lose hair near the coronet band?

Yes it can. It can also cause other hoof problems such as severe thrush.

When can you ride horse?

A horse should not be ridden before the age of three. This is detrimental to the horse's health, and will cause severe problems in the future. The best time to start training a horse under saddle is when the horse reaches the age of four, when the joints of the animal have properly set.

Has your 4 year old horse got tooth problems?

If your 4 year old horse is having problems with his teeth, then you should probably contact your local equine dentist. Certain teeth can cause soars in a horse's mouth that get irritated when ridden with a bit or eating. This is common in younger horses.

When a horse colics and the intestines twist can a horse have a bowel?

Colic is the condition horses have when they have any form of digestive system pain, therefore whenever the intestines are twisted this will cause pain and so will always be referred to as colic. But there are many types of colic and not all involve twisting of the intestines.

What are the side effects associated with using horse chestnut?

Large doses: gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting. Possible allergic reaction of skin rash and itching. Rare reports of kidney problems.