Yes,I have baby molars
Some teeth have only one root, while other teeth normally have 2, 3, or more roots. It depends on which teeth we are talking about. Incisors (front teeth), canines (pointed teeth next to incisors), and 2nd bicuspids (small teeth right in front of the large molars) typically have a single root. Lower molars and upper 1st bicuspids typically have two roots. Upper molars usually have three roots. There are insignificant variations, called anomalies, where a tooth can have more or less roots than what is considered normal.
All of the baby teeth fall out and are replaced
There are incisors (8), canines (4), and molars (8), generally smaller versions of the adult or permanent teeth. There are only 20 baby teeth compared to 32 adult teeth. The reason is that the 12 adult molars grow out behind the baby molars, not under them. The 8 baby molars are replaced by the premolars (biscuspid teeth), while the incisors and canines are replaced by their permanent versions.
The premolars are teeth located between the molars and canine teeth. There are eight premolars, two in each quadrant. The first set of premolar teeth fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth.
yes, except for molars which arent really baby teeth.
Most baby teeth don't have roots at all, because they will come out. If they have roots they are probably adult teeth.
PermanenceBaby teeth are also called deciduous teeth because they fall out.Losing TeethBaby teeth will typically begin to fall out when their roots dissolve, around the age of 5. This makes room for the larger, permanent adult teeth that grow in their place.AnatomyAdult teeth and baby teeth have the same internal anatomy, but adult teeth are larger.FunctionAdult and baby teeth have the same functions. There are incisors, canines and molars, which have the same functions whether they are adult or baby teeth.RootsAdult teeth have longer roots than baby teeth and are embedded in the jawbone.
Yes they do
yes, you can lose your molars just like any other tooth. You want to lose your baby molars, but not the adult teeth.
Yes you pull out all of your teeth and new permanent teeth will come in. By the age of 21 all of your baby teeth will be gone and all of your molars will have erupted.