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The increased activity in short duration of contraction and expansion of the heart muscles with increase in bio chemical activators will not only increase the pulse rate but also the blood pressure simultaneously.

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If you can elevate your blood pressure, your heart will normally respond by slowing to bring the blood pressure down.

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Q: Does a fast heart rate cause high blood pressure?
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Why would you have a fast heart beat and lower blood pressure?

There are several things that can cause this. Hypovolemic shock comes to mind. This means you may have too little blood flowing in your body. This, by its self, will cause your blood pressure to fall. When your body recognizes that the blood pressure is too low (because your tissues will not be being perfused adequately), your heart rate will increase to attempt to compensate for the low blood pressure.

On which factors is the volume of blood is dependent on?

The volume of blood is dependent on how fast our heart beats. A term called blood pressure is used to determine the pressure at which the heart pumps the blood.

When the bottom number is high does that mean that the heart is beating to fast?

I take it you mean on your blood pressure readings? The bottom number is the pressure the blood is returning to the heart.

What do you measure to find how fast the heart is pumping?

the pulse rate.

Why does blood pressure decrease after exercising?

Because when you exercise, your heart works harder to get blood to the muscles and when your're done, there is no need for the heart to beat fast.

What kind of sicknesses does fast food cause?

-increases blood pressure -Heart disease -Thickening/clogging arteries -kidney disease -building-up of fluids -cirrhosis -heart attack/failure -over weight

What would happen to your blood pressure if your blood vessels became clogged?

your blood pressure would go up and your heart would beat very fast and then you would have a heart attack and either die or go to the ER almost dead or dieing. :)

Why does your vision go black when you stand up to fast?

cause your blood pressure goes down

How does your pulse and blood pressure work?

Your "pulse" is how fast your heart is beating, and is measured in how many beats in a minute. This is controlled by several things. One is how healthy your heart is (if you have a strong heart, i.e. from exercising, your heart does not have to beat as often for the same effect and therefore your pulse will be lower). If you are exercising, your pulse or heart rate will increase to meet the increasing oxygen demands of your muscles. Also, if you are afraid, stressed out, or angry, your sympathetic nervous system stimulates the "flight or fight" response which increases your heart rate for the same reason. Your Blood pressure, however, is how much pressure is actually being exerted on the insides of your blood vessels when your heart beats. This is affected by three things: the size of your blood vessels, the strength of your heart, and the amount of fluid or blood in your bloodstream. The flight or fight response can affect these things by causing your heart to beat harder, therefore exerting more pressure, and by causing your blood vessels to constrict, or narrow. Both of these things raise your blood pressure. Again, exercise also causes your heart to beat harder and raises your blood pressure. Nicotine causes your blood vessels to constrict and this increases blood pressure. If you are dehydrated or bleeding severely, your blood pressure goes down because there is less fluid in your blood stream. Your body will compensate for this by increasing your pulse rate and constricting your blood vessels. The numbers you see in a blood pressure represent your systolic Blood Pressure (the first and usually higher number) and your diastolic Blood Pressure. The systolic blood pressure is the pressure exerted on your blood vessels when your heart pumps. This is why this pressure is higher. The diastolic Blood Pressure is the pressure in your blood vessels in between heart beats. Review: Related Links for more info.

Why is it better to take your resting heart rate in the morning?

Because it relaxes the blood pressure and it's not good if it goes fast

Why do patients with a heart rate greater than 160 not receive nitroglycerin for chest pain?

At this fast a rate, the heart chambers do not have adequate time to refill fully with blood. This is called fibrillation and is associated with a corresponding decrease in cardiac output and lower blood pressure. Since nitroglycerin also causes lower blood pressure by dilating or expanding the vessels, the additive effect could cause loss of consciousness.

What does a blood pressure measurement tell you about your blood flow?

Blood pressure measurement tells one how fast his blood is flowing. It also tells how open one's arteries are. Eating too much cholesterol will clog up the arteries and make blood pressure higher.