the increase in the spine is that the spine is big every year when you grow up. the spine increases when you grow up and sometimes when you get in a car accident and it is really bad you or your spinal cord can pop out of your body. that thing that protects your spine in the sense organ, skin. the skin can help the spinal cord not pop out when you get into a really bad accident. So remember that your spine is protected by the skin
No. That is not possible. You have got a damaged spine probably.
To avoid further damage to your neck and spine.
Doesn't work like that and I think you are trying to rought the system. If you have a genuinely significant spine condition like myself, (which you do not) you will not survive a car accident so I suggest you get a real spine condition before you even think about law suits cause people will just think you're trying to make something out of nothing.
The plural of "spine" is "spines."
A vertebrate is an animal with a spine.
a curved spine because of its hump
Its a degenerative condition in which your spine curves.
The scapula is divided by the spine into unequal portions called the supraspinous fossa and infraspinous fossa. The spine is a bony ridge that runs diagonally across the flat surface of the scapula.
yes their is. spine surgery is only your spine. back surgery is when you opperate on spine, ribs,and mucsels.
The Octopus is an Invertebrate ... it does not have a spine