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Q: Does The ischium articulates with both the illum and the pubis?
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Does The ischium articulate with both the ilium and the pubis?

Yes, the ischium articulates with both the ilium and the pubis to form the hip bone or os coxae. These three bones fuse together to create the acetabulum, which is the socket of the hip joint.

What are hip bones called?

Hip bones are called the "pelvis" or the "innominate bones". The pelvis consists of the ilium, ischium, and pubis bones, which fuse together to form a strong and stable structure to support the body.

How many bones in your pelvic?

There are two hip bones, one on each side, that make up the pelvis. Each hip bone consists of three fused bones: the ilium, ischium, and pubis. Therefore, the pelvis is made up of a total of six bones.

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What is in both female and male?

Mons pubis, Genitalia and Uretha

What us the difference between an ornithischian and saurischian?

Okay.Ornothischian dinousaurs had bird-like hips - that is, both the ischium and pubis pointed backwards, like birds hips do. These dinosaurs were smaller herbivores.Saurischian dinosaurs had lizard-like hips - the pubis pointed forwards, and the ischium pointed backwards. All theropods and some very large herbivores had these hips.Ironically, birds evolved from the lizard-hipped dinosaurs, not the bird-hipped ones.

What is present both in males and in females?

Mons pubis, Genitalia and Uretha

Which bones articulate with the clavicle?

The clavicle articulates with the sternum at the sternoclavicular joint medially, and with the acromion process of the scapula at the acromioclavicular joint laterally.

What tarsal bone articulates with both the medial and lateral malleolus?

The talus bone articulates with both the medial and lateral malleolus of the tibia and fibula, respectively. It forms the ankle joint, allowing for dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the foot.

What are the bones that articulates with the proximal end of the tibia and fibula?

It is the inner bone of the lower leg, from the knee to the ankle.

What is the only bone that articulates with the tibia and fibula?

The talus bone is the only bone that articulates with both the tibia and fibula in the human body. It forms the ankle joint, connecting the lower leg to the foot and allowing for movement.

What do all the bones in both the pelvic girdle and hip bone consist of separately?

The pelvic girdle is created by two hip bones that come together and join at the symphysis pubis to create the girdle which provides support as well as protection for the lower visceral organs. The hip bones are usually referred to as the ossa coxae. The pelvic girdle is attached to the sacrum of the spinal column in the posterior region. The pelvis is constructed from the form given by the deep basin structure the ossa coxae form when they come together. The sacrum and the coccyx also give definition to this unique shape. The pelvic girdle shares the responsibility of supporting the body weight, particularly that which the spine produces. In a pregnant female body, the pelvic girdle also protects a developing fetus. The reproductive organs, the bladder, and other visceral organs are well within the framework that produces protection.The coxa is created from 3 various bones. The ilium, the ischium, and the pubis become fused in the grown adult body. Along the lateral surface after the 3 bones have undergone ossification, a wide ovular depression receives the head of the femur. This depression or indentation is known as the acetabulum. Despite the adult process of ossification of the hip bones, these bones are still considered 3 various bones.See