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malaria can be lethal, for example, malaria caused by the African strain Plasmodium falciparum can cause cerebral malaria which leads coma and often death. Although well over 1 million people are killed each year by the parasite, most cases of malaria are not fatal and often very treatable.

The lethality often depends upon the exact strain which one has been infected with and the chance effects of the strain, for example, where it sequesters (gathers). Sequestration in the brain can often be fatal and sequestration in the placenta can lead to the death of unborn babies. Blood clots can form when the parasite sequesters in the blood vessels and the fever itself can prove detrimental.

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13y ago
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15y ago

YESSSSSS. if you know the symptoms of marlaria then you would know that it can kill. it can cause blindness in some cases it in some cases seems like a really bad flu, but it is very very dangerous.

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13y ago

Yes, malaria is one of the major causes of mortality to the human population.

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14y ago

Yes, if severed to a stage where the cure for the disease can no longer sustain the body, it sure can.

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15y ago

Yes. Malaria is a potentially deadly disease.

Here's a link to my research:

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13y ago

How does malaria participate cause death in untreated person

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16y ago

Unfortunately yes.

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12y ago

potentially fatal

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Q: Does Malaria cause death
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The ciliates do not cause malaria. Malaria is caused by protozoa. They have pseudopodia.

What animal killed Tutankhamen?

The malaria parasites are regarded as the cause of his death. This implies that the killer was mosquito.

How long can you live with malaria untreated?

Some forms of malaria can cause death rapidly, following on from the incubation period of 2-4 weeks.P. flaciparum malaria can manifest as cerebral malaria, and cause death in as few as 2 hours. Otherwise, falciparum will cause death in about a week or so.Other forms of malaria (vivax, oval) follow less progressive courses, and otherwise health adults may not die from the disease.The person who is infected should also be considered, with death more likely to occur in small, malnourished children than in healthy people. Iron deficiency may also have a protective influence on those in endemic areas. The effects of malaria may also be reduced in those people who have sickle cell disease, or sickle cell trait.

Does yeast cause malaria?

Yeast does not causes malaria. Malaria is caused by protozoa.

Why mosquito not affected by malaria?

Mosquitoes are not infected with malaria until they bite someone with the disease. The mosquito is then infected with a parasite and goes on to infect others. Malaria is prevalent in tropical and sub tropical areas and is a major cause of death in third world countries.

Is malaria a fast death?

No it is a very slow death.

Does a virus causes malaria?

Virus does not cause malaria. Malaria is caused by a protozoa from the genus Plasmodium.

Did Alexander the Great die from a mosquito bite?

There is no solid evidence on his cause of death. Some sources suspect poison, some say malaria or typhoid fever. Malaria is carried by mosquitos, so it is possible.

What disease does plasmodiom cause?

Malaria is caused by plasmodium, which is a genus of Apicomplexan parasites. It is the number one cause of death in the world by an animal, or animal transmission, in this case the mosquito.