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I have one thing and one thing only to say: NO! Answer:The weight loss regimine DOES work. There is a naturopathic doctor in my area who implements Kevin's weightloss protocol using HCG (in liquid form NO injections needed) and of everyone who has gone through the 2-Phase program, nobody has NOT lost significant weight. In fact, the diet is pretty much fool-proof. I am a trainer and a nutritional consultant, and have researched this myself and I can honestly say, as odd of a diet and regimine it is, it WORKS. It eats up the brown adipose fat cells that we store (and don't need) on our body but leaves behind the lean muscle mass, so all you lose is 100% body fat. It also resets many of our glands and metabolism so that post-diet, you will not regain the weight lost.

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Q: Does Kevin Trudeau's weight loss cure work?
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How many pages does The Weight-Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About have?

The book "The Weight-Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About" by Kevin Trudeau has approximately 256 pages.

When was The Weight-Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About created?

The Weight-Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About was created on 2007-04-01.

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The ISBN of The Weight-Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About is 978-0-9787851-0-9.

What is a natural cure for weight loss?

Will power and belief in yourself!!

Where can I learn how to eat healthy?

If you can afford it, try Kevin Trudeau's good health and food methods. Since his website can be expensive, also consider the book "The Weight Loss Cure that they don't want you to know about".

Where can I find a diet and weight loss plan?

The HCG diet may be the answer for you. See Kevin Trudeau's other methods as well, if you can afford them

What is the natural cure for weight loss?

The natural cure for weight loss is to exersize every single day for about 3 hours limit your cravings chew gum when your hungry DONT eat after your diner but if your realy hungry eat yogurt or something light remember surgeries are not the answer good luck

Does speed cause rapid weight loss?

The Hippies say, "Speed Kills,"... they are the pros here ...END OF STORY ...Don't mess with it ...It's a temporary solution, at best ...Weight loss is not worth it ...Rather try this -Avoid rich and heavy meals ...Control insulin swings -(Dr. Shintani's books explain that ... )Reset the hypothalamus by avoiding rich and heavy meals ...(per Kevin Trudeau - in The Weight Loss Cure)Better yet - read this book -Fasting - The Ultimate Dietby Allen Cott

Are there really any true weight loss secrets?

There is no miracle cure or true weight loss secret. Its a combination of aerobic exercise, strength training, low fat, high protein diet and healthy living and eating.

What is the weight loss cure?

If you want to loss weight do not use weight loss pills. You can either swim,play baseball,play basketball or do any sport.But do that sport for an hour every day for a month and eat healthy food. I used to be 140 pounds but I went swimming an hour for a month and now I am 115 pounds.It is amazing.It really does work. If you want to loss weigh do this!!!!!

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there is no cure for any type of hearing loss. like eyes, once its gone its gone

Who won 'The Biggest Loser' 2009 in UK?

Kevin won this series with an incredible weight loss of 9stone 6lbs. Carol came second, with Sadie third.