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It worked pretty good for me,I apply it on my face everytime before I sleep.

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12y ago

No, Ketoconazale can actually reduce hormonal acne.

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Does sugar make acne worse?

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No... The picture actually helps disappear your acne. You are OK

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Sometimes they help acne, but they can also make it worse

Can stress make acne worse?

Yes, especially in teenagers. Most teenagers who already suffer from mild to moderate acne notice that breakouts of acne get worse in times of increased stress.

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No vasline will actually make it worse

What are myths about acne?

The worst myth about acne is that toothpaste and exposure to sun can heal it, while they actually make it worse. Another myth is that if you get acne when you are a teenager, you will outgrow it. I have had acne for 12 years.

If swim and have acne what can you do to prevent your swim cap from making the acne worse?

Since the swim cap is designed not to let water through it, it will make the acne worse. You can minimize the effect of this by only putting the swim cap on clean skin, without make-up, or dirt. Then when you remove your swim cap, wash your face with an anti-acne face wash.

Do chashew nuts clear acne?

Nope! they are high in oils & may make it worse.

Does caffeine make your acne worse?

Yes, it can, but only if you are drinking several cups a day.

What are the disadvantages of a makeup?

Well there are not many disadvantages of makeup, mostly advantanges but the disadavntages are that it makes you have more wrinkles when your older, if you have acne prone skin it can make acne worse, it can make your pores worse or bigger too. but there are many advantages too!

Does tanning in the salon make acne worse?

no in fact ultra violet rays are good for spots as is the sun, doctors recommend you go out in the sun whilst suffering from acne