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well the doctors do not accept this fact since this has not yet published in their books. In my case, i had a gout attack and i was given Neproxin which helped to reduce the pain in three days. i was totally out of pain when i went to doctor three days afterwards. he also gave me vitamin b 12 as its level was low (not as part of gout treatment but for some other problem of mine with fatigue and dizziness symptoms). the pain of gout again started and since then its been two months that i am struggling to reduce the pain.

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Q: Does B12 help with gout or arthritis?
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How can you help someone with severe arthritis and acute chronic gout?

Acute chronic gout is a form of arthritis as well There are treatments available for both gout non inflammatory arthritis and inflammatory forms of the disease. None however can be cured as yet.

What kind of arthritis does hyperuricemia lead to?

Gout Arthritis

Can you get gout in your hip if you have arthritis?

Yes, Gout is a form of arthritis. Arthritis is the term used problems that end up causing problems and pain in the joints of the body. and is treated by a rheumatologist

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Arthritis or rheumatism

What has the author Thomas E Weiss written?

Thomas E. Weiss has written: 'Gouty arthritis and gout' -- subject(s): Arthritis, Gout

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Doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of the conditions Arthritis and gout are called Rheumatologists.

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It is true that altering your diet can help improve your arthritis and gout. Decrease your meat intake and lose weight. You can get more tips at

Doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of the conditions arthritis and gout are called?

Doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of the conditions arthritis and gout are called Rheumatologists.

What are some natural foods and recommended diets for arthritis gout?

Gout is caused by the crystallization of excess puric acid near joints and in the feet. Some natural foods that are believed to help reduce arthritis gout include milk, yogurt and black cherries. Foods which worsen gout include red meats, organ meats, anchovies and other protein rich foods.

What is another name for gouty arthritis?

Gout's scientific name is metabolic arthritis

Is arthritis medicines and creams good to use for gout in the hands and feet?

Gout is nothing like arthritis and therefore arthritis medicine would do nothing. Gout is high uric acid in your blood stream crystalizing. Once it is crystalized, it stays in the bloodstream and stabs at nerves. Arthritis is stress on bones and therefore very different.

What is the medical name for gout in the hand?

It does not matter where you have it it is still called gout.