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No. But if you are getting that many, you should see a doctor.

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Q: Does 5 nose bleeds a day lower your blood pressure?
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Why use lasix on race horses?

Some horses have nose bleeds when given strenous excercise, so they ar given lasix to lower their blood pressure reducing the possiblity of the nose bleeds. It is done to improve the publics view of horse racing, not because the horse is in any real danger from the nose bleeds. I just doesn't do the racing industry any good to see a horse in the winner circle with blood dripping from a nose bleed or bloody frothy foam around the mouth and nostrils.

How many nose bleeds will it take to bleed out?

A human body has approximately 5.5 liters of blood. A nose bleed will at maximum a couple of millimeters of blood. In order to bleed out by nose bleeds, you would need to have thousands of nose bleeds in rapid succession.

What does it mean when nose bleeds when in church?

It means you have ruptured a blood vessel in your nose.

What does it mean when your nose bleeds?

A nose bleed daily could mean you live in a dry climate or there is not enough moisture in your home and the nasal passages are too dry. It could also be the result of Allergies, high blood pressure, medications or even a blood disorder. There are many more causes of nose bleeds. If your nose is bleeding daily, it is best to see a doctor for a professional diagnosis.

What are signs of internal bleeding from small blood vessel damage?

The blood pressure is often low and there may be signs of bleeding from other organs (like coughing up blood, nose bleeds, blood in the urine).

How can you go from nose bleeds a sign of high blood pressure to fainting a sign of low blood pressure within the space of 2 weeks?

If your nose bleeds were a sign of high blood pressure you most likely saw a medical provider. They probably put you on blood pressure lowering medication and this medication may have dropped the pressure to low. There are also things that will spike a blood pressure really high such as cocaine and certain medical conditions (pheochromocytoma) I'm only 19 but my parents have high and low blood pressure, my mum's low blood pressure causes her to feel faint, she works for the nhs and pointed out when i was younger (because i would get nose bleeds weekly) that i may have high blood pressure like my dad. I've only had my bloodpressure checked twice once it was very low, my friend who is studying biology did it, and the other time it was normal, that time a nurse did it. I also dont do any drugs and i dont have any medical conditions that would cause this

Why do you get nose bleeds after playing sports?

Nose bleeds from exercise can be caused from a variety of factors. It is possible that you are having an acute increase in your blood pressure. Make sure that you are not holding your breath while you exercise, which tends to increase your inter thoracic pressure. You should check your blood pressure prior to and after a bout of exercise. Other cause may be medications, or allergies which irritate your mucous membranes. If your nose bleeds continue, I would definitely consult with your family physician.

Why do you keep getting a headache then nose bleeds afterwards it happens once a week recently?

your blood cells get knocked and burst causing blood to come out you nose the same happens with you head but the blood does not come out

Why Nose bleeds at high altitude?

because the pressure is high and temperature is low

Does blood pressure increase with enlarging nose bone?

Blood pressure has nothing to do with the size of your nose.

Can you die from to mush nose bleeds?

Certainly, depending on how much blood you lose and how long it lasts.

How do you know you have a blood clot in your nose bleeds?

you will start to bleed alot when nothing even happened.