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Only if you don't take care of them well, or if you don't take out your molars when you get them

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Q: Do your teeth stink
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Why do people sweat and stink?

The reason people stink is because they don't wash up or brush they teeth or do any of that stuff!:(

Why do some peoples breathe stink?

Because they did not listen to their dentists and did not BRUSH THEIR TEETH. that ,and some people are born with a particular stink that no matter how hard they try JUST brushing teeth doesnt help.

Why golden retriever puppies breath stink?

they dont brush their teeth or floss

Does your mouth stink if you get your tongue pierced?

Yeah if you don't take care of it .....and don't use mouthwash ...and brush your teeth ...but it shouldn't stink unless you got natural stinky breath haha

How do you get the smell of smoke away?

take a shower, brush your teeth, and change clothes. its the only way or you will stink.

Why do you have to get attention to your Personal Hygiene?

Because, when we talk to you, we don't want to see bad teeth and die from your stink breath.

Why brushing your is important?

teeth brushing is important because if you don't brush them your teeth will be unhealthy and your breath will stink its the same thing like eating if you don't eat your body will be unhealthy

What determines a smoker?

a smoker's teeth are yellow. - skin is yellow-ish - finger tips turn yellow. - if their breaths stink..

Why does your mouth stink?

the plaque around ur mouth that dosent get cleaned eats into ur teeth and gums and makes it smell

What is the future tense of stink?

The future tense of "stink" is "will stink."

Why would your breath stink?

Many reasons- you could have eaten an onion, you could have not brushed your teeth, or you could have a disorder that features bad breath.

Why does your girlfriend's saliva stink?

It could be because she wears braces, eats certain foods, has a health problem, or isn't taking care of her teeth.