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Q: Do your pupils get bigger during pregnancy?
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Do your pupils get bigger or smaller when they are dilated?

Dilated pupils are bigger, and constrictred pupils are smaller.

Why do owls pupils get bigger?

Owl's pupils get bigger because there pupils react to movement and light causing them to enlarge there pupils.

When does your stomach start to get bigger?

during pregnancy

When your pupiles dilate do they get bigger or smaller?

Dilated pupils are bigger, and constrictred pupils are smaller.

Do the breast get bigger during pregnancy?

Yes. Each breast will usually gain about two to four pounds during pregnancy.

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How soon will your stomach get bigger during pregnancy?

Yur "baby belly" will not appear until the first few weeks of pregnancy.(:

Do all women's nipples get bigger during pregnancy If so will they go back to normal size after the baby is born?

No, some stay the same size during and after pregnancy.

What can you do to make your breasts grow bigger during pregnancy?

Just wait for it and it will happen naturally!

Why do your breasts get bigger during pregnancy?

The breasts are preparing to produce milk for breast feeding.

Will naval piercing affect pregnancy?

I am a mom of 3. If you take it out during pregnancy you will be fine, if not your jewelery might stretch the piercing after you get a little bigger and it is not usually reversable.

Why does your pupils get smaller then it gets bigger repeatedly?

When it gets dark, your pupils grow big. When the light is on, your pupils grow smaller. Why this answer? Here's a good explanation. It all depends on light and how much of it there is.