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It's the brain. the brain controlls everything and is apart of the core nervus ststem. and there it collects all the information.

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Q: Do your eyes tell your nervous system slow to respond to information they receive?
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What is the nervous system triggered to respond to?

The nervous system is triggered to respond to stimuli.

What body system receive information from inside and outside the body and responds to that information?

Nervous system

What organ system allows the body to send and respond to the world around it?

The nervous system allows the body to send and receive messages and respond to the world around it.

What two places does the nervous system receive information?

From the dendrites and axon.

What body systems receive information from inside and outside the body and responds to that information?

Nervous system

What are effectors of the nervous system?

The effectors of the nervous system are muscles and glands. They respond to nervous stimuli.

If you stepped on a tack how would your nervous system respond?

Your nervous system would respond by sending an electrical message to your brain through your nervous system. Once you have recognized you were hurt, you would go and get a band-aid.

What body system receives information from inside and outside body and responds to that information?

I am taking a test got the same question and I just guessed and put down "Nervous System" for the sake of the test.

What body system processes and analyzes information?

The nervous system processes and analyzes information received from the body's sensory receptors. This information is then used to initiate appropriate responses or actions to maintain homeostasis and respond to the environment.

What are two main jobs of the nervous system?

The nervous system takes in sensory information from the peripheral nervous system. This information is then directed to the central nervous system which then responds with a motor reaction that travels back to the peripheral nervous system.

How does the nervous system usually communicate with the rest of the body?

Peripheral nerves carry information to the CNS, which processes the information and sends a message back telling the body how to respond.

What is the branching fiber that is the first part of the neuron to receive a nervous system impulse called?

The branching fiber that is the first part of the neuron to receive a nervous system impulse is called a dendrite. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons or sensory receptors and transmit these signals to the cell body of the neuron. They play a crucial role in receiving and integrating incoming information in the nervous system.