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This looks to be simple question to ask, but difficult to answer. What is normal for you may be abnormal for somebody else. But then, the answer is "Yes". You can have normal periods in the month that fallows the pregnancy. I have come across many such pregnancies. You can have spotting in next month also. That is also common. The ultrasound scan gives the true picture of the story.

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16y ago

Very rare but possible, my wife missed a period and called to the doctor, he told her that she was 4 month pregnant or having twins, after going for a scan it turned out she was 4 months pregnant even though she had 3 normal periods beforehand. 5 month later she gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

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18y ago

It is most unusual.

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Q: Do you still have a normal cycle if you are pregnant?
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Yes, this is still perfectly normal. The typical menstrual cycle is 28 days but this isn't true for everyone and 38 days is still normal and healthy.

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Semen can be yellowish and still be normal so you can still get pregnant.

Can you still have a cycle and be pregnant?

Yes, but it is very uncommon.

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you are not supposed to have a period if you are pregnant.

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Nope, you cannot be an egg donor when you're pregnant. In order to be considered for a cycle, you would need to be done with breastfeeding and have gotten at least one normal period.

Is a menstrual cycle of 45 days normal?

Yes, a 45 day cycle is still considered normal. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone is different and as such a longer cycle is perfectly normal.

Can you still have your mentral cycle while being pregnant?

It is a very rare circumstance. If you have your period, you are not pregnant.

Can you still ovulate even though you do not have your menstrual cycle?

YES you can still ovulate without a menstrual cycle. Also you can still get pregnant without a period.

Can you still get pregnant before a cycle?

You usually ONLY get pregnant before a cycle. If you are having a cycle, then you are not pregnant, so your body is getting rid of the material that it built up over the past month getting you ready for pregnancy.

How can you tell if you are pregnant without a normal menstrual cycle?

You will suffer from morning sickness , and have nausea.

Can a 47 year old woman get pregnant having intercourse on the 19th date of a 30 day cycle?

If she is still having a regualr cycle then she could still become pregnant, although it can be more difficult.