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yes, certainly.

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Q: Do you need surgery if you have a disc flattening your spinal cord?
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What causes flattening of the spinal cord?

Your doctor is the one to ask. If you mean bone breaking, very serious. Perhaps paralysis.

What is thecal sac flattening?

Thecal sac flattening refers to a condition where the thecal sac, which surrounds the spinal cord and nerves, is compressed or narrowed. This can occur due to various reasons such as disc herniation, spinal stenosis, or injury, leading to potential symptoms like back pain, numbness, or weakness in the extremities. Treatment may involve addressing the underlying cause, physical therapy, or in severe cases, surgical intervention.

What does diffuse dicc bulge effacing the ventral aspect of the thecal sac and moderate flattening of spinal cord suggestive of moderate spinal cord stenosis mean?

This means that there is a build up of calcium that has attached to the spine. This result is pressure being placed on any soft tissue in the area. The pressure to the disc ("disc bulge") (This tells the location on the spinal column that the bone spur has formed "effacing the ventral aspect of the thecal sac" is causing pressure to the spinal cord resulting in partial flattening to the cord. This is more common than formerly thought. The term most commonly used is "bone spur". They form anywhere there is bone. If the pain is severe, or the condition is disabling, surgery is recommended to remove the build up of the bone spur.

What is disc osteophyte complex with flattening of the ventral thecal sac?

You have a bone spur on the vertebrae that is protruding towards the front of your body and putting pressure on the sac of cerebrospinal fluid that encircles the brain and spinal cord.

What can happen if an intervertebral disk is hernieated?

As the spinal disc becomes less elastic, it can rupture. When the disc ruptures, a portion of the spinal disc pushes outside its normal boundary--this is called a herniated disc. When a herniated disc bulges out from between the vertebrae, the spinal nerves and spinal cord can become pinched. There is normally a little extra space around the spinal cord and spinal nerves, but if enough of the herniated disc is pushed out of place, then these structures may be compressed.

What is the Patient Surgical Satisfaction Rate for spinal disc surgery?

The patient surgical satisfaction rate for spinal disc surgery will vary depending on the hospital and location. Overall people are satisfied with the surgery.

What does effacement of the left ventral thecal sac and possible minmal flattening of left central cervical spinal cord at c5-c6 Left framinal stenosis particularly proximal at this level mean?

Ventral means in front. Thecal sac means the sac that contain the spinal cord and cerebro spinal fluid. Effacement of the ventral thecal sac means pressure is upon the front of the sac (producing a flattening effect) most likely from a disc protrusion. Foramen means hole (where the nerve comes out of from the spinal cord). Stenosis means narrowing (usually from bony degeneration or disc herniation/protrusion/or bulge). Left foraminal stenosis means narrowing of the passageway where the nerve comes through.

What is a C3-C4 central disc protrusion with mild deformity of the anterior cervical cord?

I'm not a doctor, just one who's had lots college science classes, but Central disc protrusion means that one of your spinal cord discs, the cushion between the bones, is bulging. May be due to injury, aging, Degenerative Disc Disorder, genetics, many reasons. No ventral flattening means your bulging disc appears to not be impinging or pushing on your spinal cord. BUT, please, ASK YOUR DOCTOR TO EXPLAIN, in terms you can understand. I know they talk like attorneys sometimes-"Party of the first part..", but this is your body (I assume or a loved one's) and you NEED to understand YOUR doctor. Okay?

What is the average cost of spinal disc surgery without insurance?

The average cost of spinal disc surgery is about five thousand dollars. It can go up to ten thousand dollars depending on what needs to be done.

What is sequestered disc cephalad?

A sequestered disc cephalad refers to a herniated disc fragment that has broken off and moved upwards within the spinal canal. This can put pressure on nearby nerves or the spinal cord, causing symptoms such as pain, weakness, or numbness. Treatment may involve surgery to remove the sequestered fragment.

What could cause a person to need spinal disc surgery?

Spinal disc surgery is usually required because of herniation. This occurs when a person strains his or her spine but feels pains in the knee, and other joints or the leg.

What does it mean when the MRI comes back with mild disc bulge and compression of C4-c5 disc thecal sak with super impose disc herniation?

I do know that this can cause a great deal of pain in the shoulder and arm, compression means that it is on the spinal cord. I think I would consider surgery.