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No, but it is a good idea. As a matter of fact, I have severs disease! I am in a cast right now and it is really helping! Also, you should try getting a shoe insert that supports your arch. It worked for me! Try not to run or jump and if you do dance that is barefooted(Ballet, modern etc..) try to rest it a little.

I hope this helped!

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Q: Do you need crutches or a cast for sever severs disease?
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Is there any way to treat severs disease?

I have severs disease and a good way to treat it is to not run or jump and if it is really painful you should get a cast. I have a cast and it really helps. Physical Therapy helps too. You could also try kinesio tape. It won't heal severs disease but it eases the pain. Also, you should DEFINITELY consult a doctor. Also, if you have talked to a podiatrist, you have made the wrong choice. You need to consult an orthepedic surgeon. Not because you need surgery but because these guys specialize in bones and joints. They might take a MRI to make sure it is actually not a fracture. You also need to make sure it is actually not a tailis bone stress fracture. If nothing you do is helping severs disease then there is a 90% chance there is a fracture. If it really is severs disease, take a break from dancing and sports, give it some rest. Iceing it helps. So does physical therapy. I know I already mentioned physical therapy but it really helps. The therapists really know how to work with injuries like that.

Do you use crutches after bunion surgery?

Sometimes you do, it depends on the kind of cast you get. If the surgery makes you get a hard cast (the ones friends can sign), you need crutches. It you get a cast with a hard bottom, you also need them. The only time you don't need crutches is if the cast is EXTREMELY soft.

How do you get severs disease?

I have got severs disease aswell, Its going into my knees and hips now, I'm 14 on sunday. What you have to do is, Do phisiotheripy. Its bacicly all stretches. You need to strech your calf muscles higher and lower cafl muscles 3 reps for 30 second, Also you need to stretch your hamstrings out, again 3 reps for 30 seconds. and after you have done your stretches you have to ice your heals witha ice pack for 20mins, You should probily do this for around twice or three times a day. I'm gathering you are around 12-17 then and you are quite sprty

What actors and actresses appeared in Love on Crutches - 1917?

The cast of Love on Crutches - 1917 includes: Hank Mann

How can you personalize your crutches and cast?

You could use marker pens to draw on your cast or get people to sign it, but check if it's ok with your doctor first. you could put stickers on your crutches.

Do you wear a cast for Achilles tendonitis?

Yes. This is very servere see a doctor now. I had tendonitis then i didnt wear a cast or crutches and they tore and i cant do anything for the rest of my life.. WEAR A CAST AND CRUTCHES OK !!!

Does an air cast and crutches make an injury OSHA recordable?


What actors and actresses appeared in Sever - 2011?

The cast of Sever - 2011 includes: Annie Rosenbloom as Lauren

What actors and actresses appeared in Sever the Toes - 2012?

The cast of Sever the Toes - 2012 includes: Jason Mingus as Shut In

What actors and actresses appeared in Suspens. Sever-yug - 1995?

The cast of Suspens. Sever-yug - 1995 includes: Nikita Vysotskiy

Do you need a doctors note to bring crutches to school if i break my toe?

no as long as you have a cast

If you had a leg brace would you need crutches?

yes... a leg brace is like a cast