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nope, but it hurts a lot more if you do lol

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Q: Do you need big nipples for a piercing?
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Can you reduce sensitive nipples by piercing?


What hurts worse nipples or nose piercing?

Nipple piercing. Nipples are very sensitive would you want to have a needle shoved in your tit?

Do you need big nipples for piercings?

No. They have different sized different for different sized nipples.

Do men enlarge there nipples?

Piercing the nipple will enlarge it !!!! when you take yhe piercing out after a few months, the nipple will stay larger!!!

Does Christina Aguilera have peirced nipples?

Christina Aguilera has a piercing in her right nipple.

What causes enlarged nipples?

depends if you want big nipples if you do just hook then up to a car battery if you are concernd about big nipples GET OVER IT!

Can your nipples be to small for piercings?

Go see your piercer and they can tell you if piercing are right for your anatomy.

Your cat has swollen nipples but has a piercing meow all the time is she pregnant?

She may be pregnaant, if not, in heat.

Do boys like when girls have big nipples?

Not abnormally large nipples. If they are too big and widespread that's not attractive

What can you take to get rid of scar tissue around your nipples from a old piercing you removed?

Nothing, only time will minimize the appearance of scars, be them surgical or piercing related.

How can get your nipples back to normal after you take the piercing out?

Well if it's male nipples and they have enlarged already, it's too late. Once the nipple enlarges, which it always does with male nipples, then there is nothing you can do. it's going to stay that way. It's a normal thing the body does to compensate for the jewellery in the piercing. Once the jewellery is taken out it will shrink a bit but not as it was prepiercing. Now if it's a female nipple and the piercing has enlarged the nipple it too is a done deal and will not return to the "before piercing look" once it's pierced and healed it's like that to stay. However with the jewellery removed from the piercing and left out perminently the nipple will receed a little over time (6~8 months) but it will still be noticably larger than the unpierced nipple. This is why most body piercers do not want to pierce just one nipple because people eventually want the nipples the way they were before the piercing. If both nipples are pierced and healed then when the jewellery is removed the nipples will receed a bit and at least look similar without the piercing holes being noticable. Sensitivity with the nipples will also return but only after an extended period of time, they will never be hyper sensitive like the prepiercing sensation but they will become sensitive as they are with jewellery in the piercing.

What if your ear bleeds trying to get the earring in?

You are trying to fix too big a stud in too small a hole. now you need to treat the piercing like a new piercing for a few weeks till the tear in the piercing heals.