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Q: Do you need a urologist or oncologist after prostate surgery?
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What is the name of he doctor that treats the prostate?

A urologist treats male urination and penis problems. An endocrinologist treats hormone problems. It is not unusual for urologists to assess hormonal status during evaluation for certain kinds of urological problems.

How do i reduce my prostate?

You need to see a Urologist for that to see what the problem is. there is nothing you can do at home.

How can urinary retention be treated?

It would depend on the cause. You need to be examined by a doctor (urologist). It can be can be caused by a urinary tract infection or an enlarged prostate restricting the flow of urine. The enlarged prostate has the potential to become or may already be cancerous. Infections are treated by antibiotics and the enlarged prostate is treatable with medication or surgery. See a doctor!

A man urinating too frequently?

That can be either a symptom of an enlarged prostate, or of diabetes. You need to see a urologist to find out.

Do you need a license to be an oncologist?

You certainly need an education/degree seeing how an oncologist is a doctor.

What is a urologists?

Urologist who also knows surgical procedures resposible for treatment of urinary tract both for men and women. You need urologist when feeling sudden pain in lower abdomen, blood in urine, feeling bathroom several times In this case must-visit experienced urologist.

Does a transgender need a mammogram?

Most likely. This a good question to as the doctor treating you. I have heard of a transgendered male who had prostate cancer since the prostate was not removed during surgery.

Can a curved penis be made straight by any treatment method?

There is a surgery that can be used to straighten your penis. If you are interested, you would need to contact a urologist in your area.

Do urologist need to travel?

The urologist is a doctor, who deals with patients with urinary problems and , kidney stones .

Im 19 yrs old im sufering from bilateral varicocole grade 1 urologist said that no need of any surgery but im sufering from intense pain what should i do does there is any chances incrs in grade?

You are asking for a medical prognosis, which we cannot legally provide. You should discuss the issue with your urologist. If you feel you need a second opinion, do not hesitate.

Is prostatomegaly grade 3 harmful and need surgery?

Grade 3 prostatomegaly is the enlargement of prostate usually seen in elderly male above 50 years .It is not at all harmful, but TURP (Trans urethral resection of prostate) is recommended.

What is your life expectancy after prostate cancer surgery?

The length of the stay depends first and foremost on whether the surgery was performed via laparotomy or laparoscopy. The former usually requires a stay of a week or more, while patients receiving the latter surgery generally need only about a day or two of hospital recovery.