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For shock; yes keep them comfortable along with maintain normal body temperature, control any bleeding, if possible elevate legs 12 inches, reassure victim, splint any dislocations or breaks, and give O2 if you are trained & it is available.

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Q: Do you keep the person comfortable if they are in shock?
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Why do you have to keep a victim warm when it is waiting for emergency help?

to keep a person from going into shock

Who can safely touch the injured person during shock delivery?

Nobody can safely touch the injured person during shock delivery. If anyone does, the shock will be transmitted to that person.

How long is a kiss?

It really depends on the person your with. Try a few seconds and if they keep going and you are comfortable then just go with the flow.

Can you die of shock?

Yes, a person can die of shock. When a person goes into shock they must be taken to a hospital immediately to receive the proper care.

What do shock asobers do when its on the tennis racket?

Shock absorbers reduces the amount of vibration that gets to your arm. Generally this should make hitting the ball more comfortable.

What type of shock is caused by trauma?

Shock occurs due to massive bleeding and pain. Losing an arm will put a person into shock. Trauma will likely kill a person before it puts one into shock.

What is the first thing you do when treating for shock?

Call 911 or your local emergency number.Have the person lie down on his or her back with feet about a foot higher than the head. If raising the legs will cause pain or further injury, keep him or her flat. Keep the person still.Check for signs of circulation (breathing, coughing or movement). If absent, begin CPR.Keep the person warm and comfortable. Loosen belt and tight clothing and cover the person with a blanket. Even if the person complains of thirst, give nothing by mouth.Turn the person on his or her side to prevent choking if the person vomits or bleeds from the mouth.Seek treatment for injuries, such as bleeding or broken bones.

You determine that a person may be in shock you do what?

Steps for shock: Control bleeding Maintain normal body temperature Raise feet 12 inches Tend to any other injuries Reassure the victim And don't forget to call EMS

What will happen if you touch a person while the AED is delivering a shock?

The person touching the victim will also receive an electric shock (not as powerful as the victim but a shock none the less).

Why is it important to stand clear and not touch the person before delivering a shock with an AED?

The AED could pick up the heart rhythm of the person touching the victim and not shock when a shock is required.

What is the most important step when trating for shock?

keep them calm and dont ask them about what caused the shock

What is the best temperature for great dane?

Great Danes have very thin coats, so they do not like cold weather. If it's comfortable for a person, it's comfortable for a Great Dane. In cold weather they really do need a coat to help them keep warm, just like a person.