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if it is your first time it may be your hymen (cherry)that has ruptured, no alarm, or if that has already happened your period may be staring early or if the sex was rough or his penis was large it may be that. Some times rough sex can cause cervical trauma if you are in pain you should see some one like a doctor or go to the health department.

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Q: Do you have to worry when you are bleeding after sex and it is a few days before your period and you are on the pill and what could have caused the bleeding?
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What could cause spotting 11 days before your period is due?

Implantation bleeding = you are pregnant!

Implantation bleeding on the same day of the period?

Yes-- it's possible. It happened to me. If you ovulated 6-12 days before your period was due and the egg was fertilized, you could have implantation (and bleeding) on the day of your period!

Could a light pinkish discharge instead of a period be implantation bleeding?

Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation.

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dont be stupid....that baby better have a father that you are married to.

Why are you bleeding two weeks before your period?

Bleeding two weeks before your period could be due to hormonal fluctuations, stress, changes in birth control, or underlying health issues such as endometriosis or fibroids. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause.

You are having period symptoms but no bleeding could you be pregnant?

Even in the presence of bleeding, you could still be pregnant.

What does it mean when you get your period from sex but only lasted a few hours?

It wasn't your period it was actual bleeding and could have been caused by a tear in your vagina, or from having sex for the first time and breaking your hymen.

Added What if your girlfriend started bleeding during or after sex last night and is still bleeding very lightly today but she is nowhere near due for her period what does this mean?

She could have been a virgin, torn some vaginal tissue enough to cause bleeding, or had other bleeding beyond her cervix-which could be caused by various issues- CU1982

Is Decidual bleeding heavy?

Decidual bleeding is typically light to moderate in flow, often described as spotting. It is not as heavy as a regular menstrual period. If you are experiencing heavy bleeding, it could be a sign of another underlying issue and it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for evaluation.

I started my period but had signs of pregnancy the whole week before. Is it possible to be pregnant?

Yes, it is possible. Some women have experienced a "first" period then learns a couple of weeks later that they really are pregnant. It is possible that it could be implantation bleeding caused by the fertilized egg to attach itself to the uterine wall.

Could a headache be caused by intra-cranial bleeding?

Bleeding inside the skull can indeed cause Headache.

Why are you bleeding 7 days before your normal menstrual cycle?

It could be implantation bleeding if you have been sexually active recently during your fertile period. This can happen 6 to 12 days after conception.