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yes you have to pay money for invisable braces

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Q: Do you have to pay for invisable braces?
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Related questions

Where can you get invisable braces from?

Invisable braces are called invisalign. You should ask your dentist or orthodontist for futher info.

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How old do you have to be to get invisable braces?

u can get invisible braces at any age though sometimes it is not as affective as regular braces

What is the cost of invisable braces?

about 4,000 to 5,000. (Amounts in USD)

Do you always have to pay a down payment for braces?

Unless you pay the whole cost of the braces upfront, then yes, you do

Is there such thing as invisible braces?

Well you can't get invisable braces but you can get some where they are just at the back and you can't see them but your teeth have to be facing inwards to do because otherwise your teeth will just keep going out. I hope that my answer helped you If it didn't why not talk to your dentist they will give you a better answer

Does the army pay for your braces?


Will Texas Medicaid pay for braces?

YES it covers braces im gettin them soon

Does medicaid pay for orthodontist braces in NC?

They do pay for braces, and its one set per lifetime. Medicaid has certain guidelines that they follow, and the braces has to be deemed really needed in order for them to pay. For example if their mouth is to little for their teeth, and needs a widener and braces they would pay for them, but if it's just that their teeth are a little out of place then they won't pay. It all depends too on how the Orthodontist writes it up.

What smart material are braces made of?

Braces are typically made of a combination of materials, including brackets made of ceramic or metal, and wires made of stainless steel or nickel-titanium. These materials are chosen for their specific properties that allow them to apply gentle pressure to slowly move teeth into their desired position.

How Do you get past the bad guys on the docks?

You have to be invisable,To get invisable.

Will ARkids A pay for me to get braces in Arkansas?

yes it will