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No! If you drown yourself, that means you are dead and you can't be in anything but a coffin.

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Q: Do you have to drown yourself to be in the navy?
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You have to drown yourself.

How many gallons of water does it take to drown yourself?

It actually takes very little water to drown, only a tablespoon or so.

Why is kesha such a weirdo?

Being different is weird? Get off your teeny-bopper a$$ and drown yourself

How Could You Stop Growing?

Hang yourself. Drown yourself. Shoot yourself. Slit your throat. Have someone drown you. Have someone shoot you. Have someone slit your throat. Basically, all you have to do is die. And wa-la ! No more growing. sit down less and stand up more and you'll start to grow less.

What is the abbreviations of NAVY?

Never Again Volunteer Yourself

What should you do if you are in an earthquake while in a car?

you should get out of the car and jump off a cliff in to the water and drown yourself

How much can you drink before you drown yourself?

Drinking too much water can lead to a condition known as water intoxication and to a related problem resulting from the dilution of sodium in the body, hyponatremia. You can't drown yourself unless you get too much water in your windpipe, which the human body is designed to avoid. The bladder can only hold so much water before it ruptures however; about 500-700 mL. == ==

Will you drown from swimming in beer?

You can drown swimming in any liquid if you are not careful.

Is it possible to drown a fish and how?

Yes, it is possible to drown a fish. What you need: An airtight box A fish Yourself Go to a lake, ocean, or place with very deep water. Before you jump in, place the fish in an airtight container with NO WATER. Jump in the water with the airtight container and drown. You will drown with the fish, but yea, who cares.

How would a sociopath respond to someone drowning?

Say you brought it on yourself, the boat is theirs, and leaves and watches you drown and takes your belongings.

How are Navy Seals trained to hold their breath?

Holding you're breath is something that is not taught it is just done. The SEALs train their minds by doing underwater swims and drown proofing.

What is navy seal drown proofing training?

All navy seals learn to swim with their hands tied behind their backs and ancles tied together. This a must pass evolution. It was easy for me, but not so for a few of the guys. You talk about hilarious panic!!! Fun for some, but not all.