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Yea, you should get to the doctor to get that cleared up. Here is more from WikiAnswers contributors: * That's a pretty clear sign of infection, but the good news is that your body coughing up the phlegm means it's fighting and ridding itself of the infection. Be patient, pamper yourself, and be careful about taking medications that suppress symptoms -- they may help you feel better but those symptoms are your body fighting the infection, so you don't want to get too much in its way. * Don't assume you need antibiotics. Antibiotics are overused, and you could develop a resistance to them. Then when you really need one, it could be ineffective. Check out the Web MD link for a New England Journail article on antibiotics for a chest cold. It sounds like bronchitis, get to the doctor =))

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13y ago

Most likely, with these symptoms, you have a viral infection, so yes, it is probably a sign of infection. This does not indicate the need for antibiotics, however. The treatment for this is fluids, rest, Tylenol for any fever, and possibly a mucolytic such as guaifenesin to help mobilize secretions. Most viral infections are self limiting and may last 10-14 days. If your symptoms worsen, last longer than expected, you begin having shortness of breath, or you begin coughing up blood or copious amounts of sputum, you should be evaluated by a physician.

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11y ago

Coughing up green stuff is a sign of infection, so you should get an examination by your health care professional to find out if you need treatment.

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Q: Do you have a chest infection if you have a sore throat cough up green phlegm with a very chesty cough and have a stopped up nose which makes it hard to breathe?
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What color phlegm can a person get with bronchitis or pneumonia?

green which means an infection

Why are you coughing up green phlegm?

sounds like an infection!

What does green flem mean?

I believe what is being referred to here as "flem" is really phlegm, or the thick mucus that comes from the mouth. Green phlegm can mean a sign of an infection such as a cold or flu, bronchitis, or some kind of allergic reaction. Usually any kind of colored phlegm can be a sign of an infection so it is advisable to visit a health center or doctor if one has persistent colored phlegm for prolonged periods of time.

Do you get yellow phlem with pneumonia?

Yes. Bacterial pneumonia will give you yellow phlegm A: I assume you mean when you cough. Actually, any pulmonary bacterial infection with a productive cough can yield yellow or brownish phlegm.

Why does my dog who is seventeen years old suddenly have phlegm in her eye?

It could be an eye infection. If worried, see a vet.

Does acid reflux cause one to spit up phlem?

Yes, the phlegm is the body's response to counter-attack the acid which is hurting the chest and throat.

What is the scientific name for lung disease that presents with copious slimy phlegm infection difficulty breathing and a hoarse voice?


What is brown phlegm?

Red color to phlegm means that blood is coming from somewhere. Somehow, some small blood vessels have broken. It can be just a small streak of red up to all red with clots. If it continues and gets worse; see the doctor.

Please see answer ab?

Please see answer above, if you are still coughing up black phlegm, you need another chest x ray to make sure it is not another lung infection, you should not be coughing up black phlegm

What is the difference between phlegm and sputum?

Phlegm is a mucus-like substance produced in the respiratory tract, while sputum is a mixture of saliva and mucus that is coughed up from the lungs. Phlegm is typically clear or white, whereas sputum can be yellow, green, or bloody, indicating infection or other health issues.

How do you pronounce phlegm?


Should you be on an antibiotic if you hacked up dark green phlegm your doc gave you a prescrip for amoxicillin and said you could take it if you thought you needed it should you take it?

Oh yes, dark green phlegm is an indication of a bacterial infection. Take the antibiotic.