It's a medication taken for high blood pressure.
You should only take pills together that the doctor prescribes. A pharmacist or your doctor will be able to determine if the medicine can be taken together.
A doc just prescribed me both today. 50mg Fluoxetine in the morning, 50mg Sulpiride in the evening. Diagnosed with anxiety disorder, my main symptoms being hyperventilation. Hope that helps!
If taken all at once, it will last you long enough for a trip to the ER if you are lucky.
It can be taken in split doses but they will be weaker.
can tramadol 50mg and valium 10mg be taken 6 hours apart
This is Topiramate 50mg. Generic for Topamax 50mg
50mg is bigger than 1mg
Yes, 2000mcg is more than 50mg. 2000mcg (micrograms) is equivalent to 2mg, which is greater than 50mg.
The maximum effective dosage is usually 25-50mg, which can be taken up to 4 times daily.
It is the generic of 50mg Demerol-has a very bitter smell and taste.
it depends on what your taking. 50mg of WATER for example will NOT harm you, but taking 50mg of a drug your only supposed to take 20mg of will.