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Yes. Bacterial pneumonia will give you yellow phlegm A: I assume you mean when you cough. Actually, any pulmonary bacterial infection with a productive cough can yield yellow or brownish phlegm.

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Q: Do you get yellow phlem with pneumonia?
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Related questions

Why do you have phlem coughing and running nose?

If the phlem is clear it may be allergies. If the phlem is or yellow see a doctor you may have an infection.

What does yellow sputum mean?

Yellow sputum can be a indication of respiratory ailments like Asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis and the common cold.

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Chief Yellow Robe died in April 1930 of pneumonia.

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What are the release dates for Yak Phlem Rondori - 2004?

Yak Phlem Rondori - 2004 was released on: USA: 10 October 2004 (Slamdance Film Festival)

What is the uses of sanction machine in medical field?

to suck the phlem

What are the signs and symptoms of pneomunia?

The main signs of pneumonia are cough, fever, chills, and shortness of breath. You may cough up bloody, greenish, or yellow mucus when you have pneumonia.

Is a chest cold contagious?

If you have a phlem productive cough, then it is contagious. Learned that working on the ambulance.

What is the name of germ of pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a general term, not a specific disease. There is viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia, and a fungal pneumonia, among others.

Which type of pneumonia is also known as mycoplasma pneumonia?

walking pneumonia

Why after treatment from pneumonia am I still coughing up white mucus?

It takes a long time for the lung tissue to heal after pneumonia. The white mucus is not a symptom of infection but rather the healing process. If the mucous changes to more yellow or green then you may want to consult your doctor.

Is milk just cows flem?

NO!!! Milk comes from the mammary glands, their udders, NOT phlem or pus or anything gross of that nature.