By eating several small meals a day, reduce the greasy or spicy foods if need be and limiting caffeine and carbonated beverages.
Talk to your doctor or midwife about OTC medicines like Tums or Rolaids.
At some point in later pregnancy most women have heartburn caused by the baby pressing against the mother's diaphragm - delivering the baby is the only thing that really cures the problem.
In my experience, my belly button did not feel different during early pregnancy.
No, it's an early sign of heart burn or indigestion, however, these signs may be signs of pregnancy.
No, not that I know of, if anything in early signs of pregnancy you tend to defecate quite alot and very few or none suffer indigestion. Tingly breast could sign or other things too; dry skin or growth such as menstruation. If you think you are pregnant, take a pregnancy test.
Yes, chicken is good during early pregnancy.
Approximately 75% of pregnant women have some degree of morning sickness in early pregnancy.
Yes some people do experience this in their pregnancy.
Nausea during pregnancy is caused by changes in the hormone levels in the body during the early stages of pregnancy. It usually happens early on in the pregnancy.
Frequent urination is a common symptom of early pregnancy. However, not all women will experience it.
Bleeding during pregnancy is not "normal" but some light spotting is reported by about 50% of women in early pregnancy.
Its unlikely. Every pregnancy is different and some wone do experience a lot of cramping during early pregnancy. But see your doctor to make sure everything is ok.
Tiredness is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy, and some women do experience it as early as 3 weeks pregnant so yes, this is normal.