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Well, I'm not sure I have an answer either but...I have had brown spotting before my period for a while now...and a day and a half of heavy bleed. I've been trying to conceive for about a year with one misscarriage about a year ago. Now, since then I've tried tracking my cycle by knowing when I ovulate....and I've noticed that if I count from my heavy bleed, I start to get the fertile mucus about 14-16 days after that...not if I count from my, it seems to me you wouldn't count the brownish spotting as your actual period. This is my own experience, but with everything I've studied over the last year, about ovulation and when you have fertile mucus...this would be my answer.


AnswerThat was my experience as well AnswerAgreed, you shouldn't count it. Answerno you don't that spotting you had could be a sign of pregnancy or left over blood if you find out your pregnant you have to give that day you had spotting to your doctor so he knows how many weeks your pregnant ok
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Q: Do you count implantation bkeeding as your menstraul cycle?
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How many days are in the menstraul cycle?

sach bole to 3 to 5 days

Can you die your hair before you start your menstraul cycle?

yes you sure can. Have fun dieing your hair :)

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Yes but it is obviously ruled out and will not scan for drug use but will scan that it is pms.

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Masking agents don't work so whether or not you are on your period is irrelevant.

How many days before your period do you have implantation bleeding?

Implantation bleeding depends on when you ovulate,had sex and when u conceived.. you can have implantation bleeding anytime during your menustral cycle depending on when you conceived.

If you bleed around the middle of your cycle can that be implantation bleeding?

It could be, yes.

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Is there such things as implantation without an expected period and have normal cycle later?

No. Implantation does not always cause bleeding, a late period with a positive pregnancy test is the only way to be sure "implantation" or pregnancy has occurred.

When in your cycle would implantation bleeding occur?

Implantation bleeding typically occurs about 6-12 days after ovulation, around the time of expected menstruation. This can vary among individuals and may not be experienced by everyone. If you suspect implantation bleeding, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

What does cycle count mean?

This is an auditing term where certain functions are performed on a certain day. This is the cycle part of the count.